  • 學位論文


The Effects of Parent-Child Worksheets of Energy Education on Elementary School Parents’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors Towards Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction

指導教授 : 蘇秀枝


本研究選擇彰化市某國小五、六年級的家長來進行節能減碳之實驗研究,以每月1次能源教育親子學習單,共計4次來進行研究。透過能源教育親子學習單,瞭解實驗組與控制組家長在節能減碳之知識、態度、行為差異情形。研究工具引用國科會計畫編號NSC 101-3113-S-324-001「家長節能減碳之知識、態度與行為之調查問卷」、「能源教育親子學習單」為研究工具,研究對象採立意取樣,選取彰化市某國小五、六年級各2班的學童家長,其中五、六年級各1班為實驗組,共59位家長;五、六年級的另1班為控制組,共60位家長,總計119位家長。其中實驗組實施4次能源教育親子學習單,控制組沒有接受實驗,在實施能源教育親子學習單前後以「家長節能減碳之知識、態度與行為之調查問卷」進行施測。研究資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、成對樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關…等統計方法。   研究結果發現家長節能減碳整體知識、態度與行為皆有中上表現,其中態度表現最佳,行為表現則較弱。家長關於全球暖化、節能減碳、減少碳排放之資訊來源主要來自電視、報紙、網路等。女性家長態度顯著高於男性家長。父親、母親學歷愈高,節能減碳知識、態度分數較好。家長在節能減碳之前、後測知識、態度與行為之間呈現顯著正相關。整體家長後測節能減碳行為顯著高於前測節能減碳行為,控制組家長後測節能減碳行為顯著高於前測節能減碳行為,未來研究可探討其原因。   最後依據本研究結果對政府、學校、家長提出建議,期盼政府廣為利用大眾媒體宣導節能減碳相關政策;學校舉辦節能減碳相關活動;家長能有效提升節能減碳知識、態度,進一步達到節能減碳行為的實踐,鼓勵家長多參加相關的活動。


This study was intended to investigate the effects of energy education intervention on parents of elementary school children in Changhua. Experimental design was conducted. Participants included 119 5th and 6th graders and their parents from 4 classes, 2 classes were assigned to the experimental group and 2 classes were assigned to the control group. All parents completed pretests and postests of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors towards energy saving and carbon reduction. The experimental group (59 pairs of students and parents) received four handouts about energy education (including the causes of global warming, consequences of global warming, energy knowledge, and how to mitigate global warming);parents and children were requested to complete 4 worksheets at home together during the semester. The control group (n=60) received no experimental treatments except pretests and posttests. Statistical analyses of descriptive statistics, t-tests, ANOVA, Pearson correlations, etc. were conducted. Results indicated that parents’ ratings of overall knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors toward energy saving and carbon reduction were above average. Attitude scale had the highest score; and behavior scale had the lowest score. Parents mainly gained their information about global warming, energy saving, and carbon reduction from television, newspaper, and internet. Females had better attitudes than males. Parents with higher education had better knowledge and attitudes towards energy saving and carbon reduction. Parents’ pretests and posttests of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors were significantly positively correlated. Although parents’posttests of behaviors towards energy saving and carbon reduction were signfrcantly better than pretest. Parents in the control group had better behaviors than the experincental group. Future studies should further investigate possible causes. This study proposed several suggestions for government, schools, and parents. Government should promote related policies about energy saving and carbon reduction through mass media such as television, newspaper, and internet. Schools should provide energy education activities to parents, and parents are encouraged to participate.




