  • 學位論文


Models of the Sit-to-Stand Movement for the Elderly

指導教授 : 梁成一


本研究的主要貢獻在於擴展與深化對高齡者「起立」動作的了解,並且建立一個評估跌倒風險的有效方法。 首先,透過兩塊高頻率測力平台所組成之測力平台系統,量測高齡者與健康成人在「起立」動作過程中,由臀部和下肢所產生的地面反作用力之受力變化;再以合力及分力的觀點進行討論,進而了解人體「起立」動作特徵,並釐清各動作關鍵點之出現時序。結果顯示:從臀部和下肢兩項分力定義「起立」動作起動點的發生時點會比從全身受力,也就是合力的 角度來定義「起立」動作起動點的發生時點更為提早與精確;研究亦顯示出:不論是高齡者或是健康成人,在「起立」動作過程中的全身最大受力、下肢最大受力和受測者離閞座椅瞬間等三個關鍵點會依序出現;此外,依據「起立」動作之時間-受力變化圖,歸納出三種「起立」動作模式,分別為地面反作用力輸出平順的「典型模式」、地面反作用力輸出不穩定的「多峯模式」及未能完成「起立」動作之「未完成模式」以描述人體「起立」能力之特徵。再者,以具主觀特質的伯格式平衡量表 (Berg Balance Scale, BBS),輔以量化為基礎之衝量分析研究,補強高齡者平衡能力之評估。 本研究成果可提供研究者、製造商及復健護理人員具價值性的資訊與參考,包括:考慮合力與分力作用之測力平台系統設計、動作模式建構及 BBS 和衝量綜合評估法的建立和使用,期望能減少或避免高齡者因「起立」而造成跌坐或跌倒傷害,更增進高齡者福祉設計之研究,並提昇高齡者生活機能品質與價值。


The main contribution of this study is to examine, extend, and deepen the understanding of sit-to-stand (STS) movements in elderly people and then to establish an assessment method for the risks of falling. 28 elderly adults (M age = 70.1 years, SD = 4.1) and 36 young adults (M age = 19.6 years, SD = 0.8) with no known impairments or functional limitations were recruited for the study. During STS movement, the force platform system with two high-frequency vertical force platforms were used to measure the resultant ground reaction force (GRF), defined as the whole-body force, and its two components, the buttock and leg GRFs. To eliminate noise in the data from force platforms, the moving average method has been proposed. Three key points of the STS movement were confirmed as aspects of the GRF: the onset, maximum GRF, and seat-off. The onsets of the component GRFs identified the sequence of the important time points in the STS more precisely than the onset of the resultant GRF. Our data showed that the maximum whole-body GRF, the maximum GRF of both legs, and seat-off appeared in sequence and not simultaneously. Based on the characteristics indicated by the force data, the STS movement sequences were classified into three patterns: typical-modal pattern (smooth movement), multimodal pattern (unstable movement), and incompetent-modal pattern. Moreover, a quantification-based approach, impulse analysis, was introduced, with the goal of supplementing the Berg Balance Scale (BBS), which will thus provide a more precise analysis of STS movement in elderly people. Thus, elderly subjects who are expected to be at higher risk of injuries from falls can be provided with assistive devices and advice. Finally, these studies can provide information and suggestions for researchers, manufacturers, and rehabilitation professionals.


STS Pattern Impulse Dynamic performance BBS


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