  • 學位論文


The Effect of Active Life style On University students’ Physical and Mental Health

指導教授 : 林芷薐


本研究之主要目的在探討大專技職校院學生動態生活對其身心健康之影響。次要目的在瞭解大專技職校院學生個人背景變項、動態生活型態及身心健康之現況。研究採用問卷調查法進行資料蒐集,以「IPAQ自填短版」及「身心健康狀況量表」針對臺灣北、中、南部16-24歲之大專技職校院學生為研究對象,以立意抽樣法,實得有效樣本585份,有效樣本回收率達98%。資料以卡方檢定、獨立樣本t 檢定、One-Way ANOVA和肯德爾τ等級係數進行統計分析。研究顯示低動態族群居多( 50.1%),其身心健康狀況較差,且此族群每日久坐時間長達7-10小時,經常感到疲倦、精神衰弱或元氣不足。分析結果發現,大專技職校院學生之身心健康,會因性別、家庭結構之不同而有顯著差異;而大專技職校院學生其動態生活,則會因性別不同而有顯著差異。研究發現,大專技職校院學生之動態生活與身心健康,呈顯著正相關,身體活動量愈高者,則其身心健康狀況亦愈佳。研究結果歸納為:男性大專技職校院學生且與父母同住,其身心健康顯著較高;男性且無吸菸習慣者,其動態生活顯著較佳。大專技職校院學生必須維持每週5天、每次30分鐘的動態生活,如:步行、慢跑、游泳等,以促進其身心健康,進而提升生活品質。


The purpose of the study is to investigate the effect of active lifestyle. on university students’ physical and mental health and in understanding current background variables such , and active lifestyle. The study used a questionnaire-based survey, and the data was collected from IPAQ and Physical and Mental Health Status Scale were adapted in the questionnaire. The study adopted the use of a questionnaire which was given to university students’ who attended public and private university the northern part 、central section、southern part After self-determined sampling, A total of 585 valid samples were collected, and the return rate for the valid samples was 98%. Data was analyzed by chi-square test, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Kendall’s tau-b correlation. The university students’ of the study consisted of 325 male and 260 female Majority of Low-level active living was mostly reported (50.1%), and the participants considered themselves had average physical and mental health conditions. In addition, the participants in this group also reported that their sedentary time was about 7-10 hours a day, and they often suffered from fatigue, neurasthenia, Based on the analysis, the university students’ physical and mental health was significantly differed from gender family structure active lifestyle significantly differed from gender,The researcher found that there was a significant positive correlation between active living, physical and mental health among front-line employees, in other words, the more active living individuals had, the better the individuals’ physical and mental health was. In conclusion, the researchers found that: physical and mental health was significant better active living was significant higher among male the university students’; active living was significant health was significant better among male and did not smoke. Based on the results, active living 30 minutes a day, and 5 times a week, such as walking, jogging, cycling, and swimming.


