  • 學位論文


A Study of Teaching and Service Quality for the Adult Basic Education of Elementary School in Taichung County -Application of Quality Function Deployment

指導教授 : 康龍魁


本研究旨在運用品質機能展開工具提昇國民小學成人基本教育教學服務品質。根據「教學的品質標準應由顧客的需求來界定」的觀點,本研究以PZB服務品質模式構面編製問卷,運用品質機能展開獲得國民小學成人基本教育教學服務品質技術執行之順序,並分析不同背景變項之學生需求差異。 本研究回收有效問卷325份,回收率72.22%,所得資料以平均數、標準差、相依樣本T檢定、單因子變異數分析、IPA分析及品質機能展開法分析。結果顯示: 一、學生對國民小學成人基本教育教學服務品質的各個項目重視度、滿意度都很高,但學生的原籍、年齡不同對其重視度與滿意度有差異性。其中 (一)原籍越南學生在保證性重視度高於原籍柬埔寨學生。 (二)30歲以下學生在保證性重視度高於50歲到60歲學生。60歲以上學生在保證性和整體上重視度高於50歲到60歲學生。 (三)原籍越南學生在有形性、保證性和整體上的滿意度皆高於本國學生。 二、最需改善的教學服務品質前五項為:學校的廁所乾淨整潔、晚上校園的光線充足、校園環境乾淨漂亮、校園安全設施及學校環境安全。 三、最需優先執行的教學服務品質技術項目前五項為:行政支援教學、教師能了解學生需求、定期充實教學設備、課程內容具實用性及教師選用適合學生的教材。 最後本研究針對教學服務品質技術需求最重要的前五項提出改善建議,用以提升教學服務品質。


The purpose of this study is to promote the teaching service quality of the adult basic education of elementary school through QFD. Based on the concept that teaching quality standards are determined by the customer’s needs, the questionnaire was made through the construction of the service quality mode of PZB. Using the QFD obtains the order of the implementation of quality techniques for adult basic education of elementary school, and the differences among student needs by different background variables were addressed. There were 325 valid respondents with 72.22% return rate. Through the uses of statistic methods such as mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, IPA and QFD analysis, the main conclusions were drawn as follows: 1. The importance and student satisfaction with the project are high in each item of teaching service quality for the adult basic education at elementary school level. But significant difference is found between importance and satisfaction by students’ nationality and age. (1) Students with Vietnamese nationality give more importance to assurance than those with Cambodian nationality. (2) Students under the age of 30 give more importance to assurance than those between the ages of 50 up to 60. And Students over the age of 60 give more importance with the project in assurance and overall than those between the ages of 50 up to 60. (3) Students with Vietnamese nationality are more satisfied with the project in tangibles, assurance, and overall than the native students. 2. The top five priorities that need to be improved in service qualitiesare the clean toilets in schools, light campus at night, campus tidiness and beauty, safety facilities and school safety. 3. The top five priorities should be given to putting them into practice inservice quality are the administrative support to the teaching, teachers able to understand the student needs, periodically enriching teaching facilities, practical curriculum and instruction, and teachers able to select useful teaching materials for students. Finally, suggestions for the top five priorities are made to promote the teaching service quality in adult basic education of elementary school.


江義平(2000)。教學服務品質衡量模式建構及分析之研究,亞太管理評論,5 (1),95-115。
