  • 學位論文

榮民護理之家服務品質與使用者滿意度之研究 --- 以某榮民醫院附設護理之家為例

Evaluation of Nursing Home Care Quality of A Vet’s Hospital Nursing Homex

指導教授 : 鄭讚源


本研究目的為探討榮民護理之家服務品質與使用者滿意度關係,採立意取樣,選取某榮民護理之家,符合收案標準之123位住民為研究對象,以結構式問卷為研究工具,問卷內容包括住民基本資料、住民居住單位基本資料、顧曉明(2001)建構之中文版「護理之家照護品質觀測性指標量表」等。所收集的資料以統計軟體SPSS 12.0版做為分析工具,進行次數分佈、平均值、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及多元迴歸分析。 根據研究結果:在使用者滿意度與品質觀測的平均數差異分析中,10 % 顯著水準下,使用者滿意度與品質觀測在各組成構面均有顯著差異;其中「溝通」與「居家情境 / 家人參與」構面滿意度之平均數高於品質觀測之平均數,而「機構環境」、「照護」、「工作人員」等構面滿意度之平均數低於品質觀測之平均數。此外,在個人基本背景屬性中,退役軍階不同,其「居家情境/家人参與構面」之滿意度落差將有顯著差異(p<0.05);目前ADL依賴情形不同,對「溝通構面」之滿意度落差將有所差異(p<0.05);目前居住單位不同,對「居家情境/家人参與構面」(p<0.01)及「工作人員構面」(p<0.05)之滿意度落差將有所差異;目前居住房間床位數不同,對「居家情境/家人参與構面」之滿意度落差將有所差異(p<0.05)。而在居住單位特性之「占床率」與「工作人員」構面滿意度落差成負相關(p<0.05);「照顧服務員照護時數」與「居家情境/家人参與」構面滿意度落差亦成負相關(p<0.05)。在多元迴 歸分析結果顯示:個人基本背景屬性及居住單位特性對(1)服務品質之「居家情境/家人參與構面」及「照護構面」達顯著水準(p<0.05),(2)對使用者滿意度各組成構面皆未達顯著水準(p>0.05),(3)滿意度落差(Gap)各組成構面間,僅「居家情境/家人參與構面」達顯著水準(p<0.05)。 本研究結果,可了解榮民護理之家服務品質現況與使用者滿意度間之關係,作為榮民護理之家服務品質改善參考及方向、政府管理之依據,並可提供給後續相關研究之參考,使居住在榮民護理之家的住民所得到的照顧,更能符合住民的需求。 關


The purpose of this study was to explore service quality and users’ satisfaction of the veterans living in nursing home. Purposive sampling was used to recruit 123 elders who met the sampling criteria from a nursing home under a veteran hospital in Taiwan. The measurement tools included demographic data sheets, living unit data sheets, a Chinese version of 「The Observable Indicators of Nursing Home Care Quality Instrument 」 (OINHCQI) by Ku, Sheau-Ming (2001). The collected data were analysis by the twelfth version of the Statistical Package for the Social Science. Data analysis included frequency distribution, arithmetic mean, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlations & multiple Regression. Results showed that service quality and users’ satisfaction differences in the different dimensions under 0.1 probability. The dimensions of 「communication」&「home/family involvement」that users’ satisfaction is higher than service quality; but dimensions of 「environment」、「care」、「staff」 that users’ satisfaction is lower than service quality. Moreover, in the demographic data demobilized grade differences in the different satisfaction gaps of 「home/family involvement」(p<0.05); present ADL differences in the different satisfaction gaps of 「communication」(p<0.05); living of nursing home station difference in the different satisfaction gaps of 「home/family involvement」(p<0.01)「staff」(p <0.05);beds in rooms difference in the different satisfaction gaps of 「home/family involvement」(p<0.05). In the station characteristic, the「occupancy rate 」was negatively correlated with satisfaction gaps of 「staff」(p<0.05);the 「NA hours per patient day」was negatively correlated with satisfaction gaps of 「home/family involvement」(p<0.05). The results of Multiple Regression showed that demographic data and station characteristic difference in the(1)different service quality of 「home/family involvement」 & 「care」(p<0.05) ;(2)but no different in any dimensions of users’ satisfaction (p>0.05);(3)different satisfaction gap of「home/family involvement」(p<0.05). The result of this study could provides to understand the relationship between service quality and users’ satisfaction of the veterans who livie in nursing home. The findings can not only provide the information of improvement veterans’ nursing home service quality, a basis of their management for the government, but also serve as references for research. In this way, the residents will receive appropriate care and meet the demands of the aged.




