  • 學位論文


A research of LOHAS and sustainable development for Entrepreneur-A Case Study on Mt. Baguashan Cycleway

指導教授 : 陳朝鍵


本研究旨在探討企業推動樂活與永續發展之研究。以彰化縣八卦山自行車道上的騎乘美利達自行車車友為研究對象,以自編之「企業推動樂活與永續發展之研究問卷調查表」為研究工具,進行問卷調查。再以描述統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Scheffè事後檢定、Pearson積差相關分析,並運用SPSS 12.0 套裝軟體進行資料分析,顯示八卦山自行車道上的騎者以男性居多;年齡分佈以 31 至 40 歲者最多;教育程度以大專/ 大學的人數最多;職業以工居多;婚姻狀況為已婚居多;每月收入以 2 – 4 萬元最多。至於各因素差異分析,不同性別在情感體驗、騎乘體驗、美利達企業形象、顧客忠誠度、樂活實踐、樂活主張等因素上有差異;不同年齡層在情感體驗、騎乘體驗、顧客忠誠度、樂活實踐、樂活主張等因素上有差異;不同教育程度在情感體驗、美利達企業形象、顧客忠誠度等因素上有差異;不同職業類別在感官體驗因素上有差異;不同婚姻狀況在情感體驗、騎乘體驗、美利達企業形象、顧客忠誠度、樂活實踐、樂活主張等因素上有差異;而在各因素相關分析中發現如下:一、人口背景變項對樂活正向作為無差異,對各項因素構面均有顯著差異。二、顧客體驗與企業形象、顧客忠誠度、樂活特性這四個構面間,確實存有相關性。三、加強顧客體驗活動方案,可提升企業形象、顧客忠誠度及樂活特性。四、顧客體驗及企業形象之提升,可建立忠誠顧客,強化雙方未來互動。


The main purpose of this research is to investigate promoting LOHAS and sustainable development for enterprise. Data analyzed in this research is based on bicycle riders who ride Merida’s bicycle on Mt. Baguashan cycleway with questionnaire of “Promoting LOHAS and sustainable development for Enterprise.” Data was analyzed by descriptive statistic, one-way ANOVA, Student’s t test, Pearson‘s Correlation, Scheffè method, and uses SPSS for Windows 12.0 to analyze data. The result of statistic analysis shows: Male riders is more than female; age range from 31to 40 is most; most riders’ education level is university degree; most riders’ occupation is industry; most riders are married. Finally, wage range from 20-40 thousand dollars is most. As to differential analysis of each factor shows: 1. Riders with different sex are significant difference in emotional experience, riding experience, Merida’s enterprise image, customer loyalty, LOHAS practice, LOHAS claim. 2. Riders with different age are significant difference in emotional experience, riding experience, customer loyalty, LOHAS practice, LOHAS claim. 3. Riders with different occupation are significant difference in sensorial experience. 4. Riders with different marital status are significant difference in emotional experience, riding experience, Merida’s enterprise image, customer loyalty, LOHAS practice, LOHAS claim. As to correlation analysis of each factor shows: 1. Riders with different demography variable are not different exactly in LOHAS pratice, but are significantly different in other variables. 2.Customer’s experience , enterprise image, customer loyalty and LOHAS trait are interrelated. 3.To strengthen the customer to experience the active plan ,can promote enterprise image, customer loyalty and LOHAS trait. 4.Promation of the customer experience and the enterprise image, can establish customers’ loyalty, and strengthen the interaction of both sides in the future.


LOHAS Experiences Corporate Image Customer Loyalty


