  • 期刊


A Case Study of the "Yellow Rain" Occurred in Northern Taiwan on March 12, 1995


由於春季亞洲沙漠地區鋒面系統十分活躍,導致沙塵暴最爲頻繁強烈,嚴重影響源地和下游地區的空氣品質。1995年3月12日下午台灣北部出現「黃雨」現象是環保署自1993年9月建立現代化空氣品質監測網後,迄今最嚴重的沙塵污染事件,本文針對此事件進行詳細個案分析,以瞭解沙塵暴輸送至台灣地區的過程。 研究結果顯示,造成1995年3月12日下午台灣地區嚴重沙塵污染事件起源於3月10日午后發生在戈壁和黃河河套的大範圍沙塵暴。首先,乾燥的大氣環境和地面強風是形成此次大範圍沙塵暴的原因;其次,地面分裂高壓南下和源地上空西北強風提供沙塵暴系統長程輸送所需的動力。TAQM模擬以及HYSPLIT逆軌跡線分析進一步證實,3月12日起低層東北風增強將位於東海上沙塵往南輸送至台灣地區是造成此次嚴重沙塵污染事件的原因,其中分裂高壓出海緯度低是關鍵因素。


Spring frontal systems over Asian deserts bring active dust storms, causing the worst air quality in both origins and downstream areas. The ”Yellow Rain” occurred in the afternoon of March 12(superscript th), 1995 over northern Taiwan had marked the most serious dust pollution event ever since the establishment of modern air monitoring network over Taiwan in September of 1993. In this paper, we examine this case in details to understand the process responsible for transporting dusts over to Taiwan. Our study indicates that the serious dust pollution event on March 12(superscript th)h, 1995 resulted from a massive dust storm system generated over Gobi and The Great Bend of Yellow River in the afternoon of March 10(superscript th), 1995. Firstly, Dry atmosphere and strong winds are the cause of the dust storm formation. Secondly, the southward movement of split High and strong upper northwesterly provide the needed power for long-term dust transportation. TAQM simulation and HYSPLIT back-trajectory analysis also confirm that the southward transportation of dusts from East China Sea by the strong northwesterly beginning on March 12(superscript th) is the cause of the serious dust pollution event. Southward shift of the Split High path while moving out of the mainland is the key for serious dust pollution.


