  • 期刊


Exploring the Current Status and Issues of Hakka Studies in Japan after the War: through Text Mining of the Title of Journal Paper in CiNii Articles


隨著全球化的進一步發展,對跨領域或跨界研究的需求越來越大,即便是客家研究,除了台灣本土之外,也要注意在其他國家或地區的研究現狀和課題,並在此基礎上採取行動,以提升學術研究的質量。本文聚焦在日本的客家研究。利用免費的文本探勘軟體KH Coder,對日本學術期刊最大的查詢入口網《CiNii Articles》,以「客家」為關鍵詞,查詢1948年至2021年6月日本各學科領域的日文期刊及大學紀要中,所收錄之584筆文章標題,進行詞素、歷年變化、學術用語的推移等分析,藉此就日本客家研究的現狀和課題做一些說明和補充。本研究發現:一、伴隨「客家」出現最多的主題是「客家語」、「客家文化」和「客家人」。透過詞語間的共起現象分析則可歸納得到17個客家研究的內容主題。然而,在區域方面仍以台灣、中國為主,分析的主題對象也少見政治學、經濟學或全球比較方面的論題。二、論文篇數呈現增長的趨勢,反映出日本客家學門的逐漸蓬勃發展。而近年(2010年~2021年)在整體內容上也有別於以往,出現「景觀」、「台灣客家文化園區」、「越南」等等之特色詞語。


This paper focuses on Hakka studies in Japan. Use the free text mining software KH Coder to search the largest search portal for Japanese academic journals "CiNii Articles", and use "Hakka" as the key word to search Japanese journals and university journals in various disciplines in Japan from 1948 to June 2021. The collected 584 article titles, analyzed morphemes, changes over the years, and the transition of academic terms, etc., in order to make some explanations and supplements on the current situation and topics of Japanese Hakka research.This study found that: 1. In terms of research topics, "Hakka language", "Hakka culture" and "Hakka people" appeared most frequently along with "Hakka". The topics of politics, economy, or global comparison are still insufficient. Through the analysis of co-occurrence, 17 Hakka research content themes can be summarized. However, in terms of regions, Taiwan and China are still the mainstays, and the subjects of analysis are rarely political science, economics, or global comparison topics. 2. The number of papers has shown an increasing trend, especially in recent years (2010~2021), reflecting the gradual and vigorous development of Hakka studies in Japan. In recent years (2010~2021), the overall content is also different from the past, with unique topics such as "landscape", "Taiwan Hakka Cultural Park", "Vietnam" and so on.


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