  • 期刊


Morphological Comparisons of Mycorrhizae of Tuber Indicum and T. Formosanum on Cyclobalanopsis Glauca


本研究之目的為比較印度塊菌及台灣塊菌與青剛櫟形成外生菌根形態之差異,由此試驗結果得知印度塊菌及台灣塊菌與青剛櫟所形成之菌根特徵歸納敘述如下:(1)印度塊菌:菌根為單根,菌根表面粗糙,菌根顏色在幼期為淺褐色,成熟期為褐色,老化期為深褐色。菌毯外層為毯狀原形菌絲結構,內層為規則密實菌絲結構,菌絲表面粗糙有明顯的突紋構造,哈替氏網延伸菌絲侵入至皮層細胞第三層,菌毯內層菌絲及哈替氏網菌絲內有球狀內容物。(2)台灣塊菌:菌根為單根,菌根表面平滑,菌根顏色在幼期為淺褐色,成熟期為金黃色,老化期為黃褐色-深褐色。菌毯外層為毯狀原形菌絲結構,內層為規則密實菌絲結構,菌絲表面是平滑狀,哈替氏網延伸菌絲侵入至第二層皮層細胞間隙。 印度塊菌(Ti)及台灣塊菌(Tf)菌根元素對化學試劑反應之明顯差異分別為(1)Ti之延伸菌絲與濃硫酸呈紅褐色,與濃氨水呈淡綠色,與37%福馬林(formalin)呈淺灰色,然Tf者與濃硫酸、濃氨水及37% formalin皆不變色;(2)Ti之菌毯與10% FeSO4溶液呈深褐色,然Tf者呈深綠色;(3)Ti之哈替氏網與10% FeSO4溶液呈淺藍色,與Tf者則是綠色;(4)Ti之哈替氏網與濃氨水呈綠色,然Tf者則呈深褐色。


The purposes of this study were to compare the difference of the ectomycorrhizal morphology formed by Tuber indicum and T. formosanum on Cyclobalanopsis glauca,. The characteristics of both mycorrhizal types formed by T. indicum and T formosanum on C. glauca were summarized as follows: (Ⅰ) T. indicum: T. indicum formed monopodial ectomycorrhizae. Color of the mycorrhiza was light brown when it was young, brown when it was mature, and changed to dark brown when it was old. The structure of outer mantle was felt prosenchyma, and the inner mantle was regular synenchyma. Hyphae of the mycorrhizal mantle surface has obvious ring-wart structure. Hartig nets extended to the third layer of the cortex cells There were round contents in the hyphae of the Hartig nets and fungus mantle. (Ⅱ) T. formosanum The majority of ectomycorrhizae formed by T. formosanum were monopodial. Color of the mycorrhiza was light brown when it was young, and with golden bristles when it was mature, and became yellow-brown or dark brown when it was old. The structure of outer mantle was felt prosenchyma, and the inner mantle was regular synenchyma. Hyphae of the mycorrhizal mantle surface were smooth. The Hartig nets extended to the second layer of the cortex cells. According to the reactions of the mycorrhizal elements to the chemical reagents, differences of T. indicum and T. formosanum were (1) The color of the extended hyphae of T. indicum became red-brown with conc. H2SO4, light-green with conc. NH4OH. light-grey with 37% formalin, but no color changed of T. formosanum was found with conc. H2SO4, conc. NH4OH and 37% formalin; (2) The color of the T. indicum mantle hyphae became dark-brown with 10% FeSO4; on the contrary, the color of T. formosanum mantle hyphae became dark-green; (3) The Hartig nets of T. indicum became light-blue with 10% FeSO4, and those of T. formosanum became green; (4) The color of the Hartig nets of T. indicum became green with conc. NH4OH, but those of T. formosanum became dark-brown.


