  • 期刊
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Infant Feeding Concerns in Times of Natural Disaster: Lessons Learned from the 2014 Flood in Kelantan, Malaysia


The flood that hit Kelantan in December 2014 was the worst in Malaysian history. Women and their infants accounted for a large proportion of the people at risk who were badly affected, as almost half of the population in Kelantan was in the reproductive age group. This report serves to raise awareness that breastfeeding mothers and infants are a special population with unique needs during a disaster. Four of their concerns were identified during this massive flood: first, the negative impact of flood on infant nutritional status and their health; second, open space and lack of privacy for the mothers to breastfeed their babies comfortably at temporary shelters for flood victims; third, uncontrolled donations of infant formula, teats, and feeding bottles that are often received from many sources to promote formula feeding; and lastly, misconceptions related to breastfeeding production and quality that may be affected by the disaster. The vulnerability of women and their infants in a natural disaster magnifies the importance of protecting the breastfeeding rights of women. The breastfeeding rights of women in a disaster can be protected by controlling the distribution of breast milk substitutes, providing supportive environments for breastfeeding mothers and their infants, giving appropriate health support, and offering practical assistance to breastfeeding women. A multifaceted collaboration involving various rescue missions, local governance, and the health and nutrition sectors have the potential to be mutually beneficial and to improve the well-being of women and infants affected by floods and other potentially catastrophic events.


concerns disaster flood infant feeding Kelantan
