  • 期刊


Effect of Bleaching on the Bonding of Orthodontic Brackets to Human Teeth


本研究探討以鹵素光驅動濃度為35%之過氣化氫牙齒美白藥劑,在不同條件下處理拔下後的人類第三大臼齒,觀察其對矯正托架黏著強度之影響。本實驗共使用75顆拔下之人類完好第三大臼齒並將其隨機平均分為五組,每組15顆,分別為控制組,美白一、二及三次與美白一次後再浸泡水中三週等四個實驗組。使用矯正用複合樹脂將矯正托架黏著於處理過後的牙釉質表面,測量其抗張黏著強度,並以掃描式電子顯微鏡及能量散佈光譜儀,分析各斷裂介面之分佈情形。各組抗張黏著強度分別為10.62±1.82、10.70±1.87、10.55±2.20、10.73±1.80及10.58±1.66MPa,經由One-way ANOVA分析後發現各組間並無顯著差異存在。顯示牙齒在鹵素光美白後立即進行矯正托架黏著並不會造成黏著強度的改變。因應病患需求增加美白次數,在廠商建議的使用範圍之內,不會影響矯正托架的黏著強度。在斷裂介面分佈的觀察方面,時間較短的鹵素光驅動35%過氧化氫美白藥劑處理,對於拆除矯正托架時的斷裂介面分佈並沒有顯著的影響。此外,本實驗結果顯示使用37%磷酸酸蝕15秒亦可能為造成牙釉質斷裂的原因之一。


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the bleaching effect of a 35% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) agent activated with halogen light on the tensile bond strength of human teeth. In total, 75 human third molars extracted from 20- to 35-year-old patients were randomly divided into 5 groups (groups A to E) of 15 teeth each. Group A received no treatment and served as the control group. Groups B, D, B were treated with 35% H202 for 1, 2, and 3 cycles, respectively, then immersed in water for 24 hours. Group C was treated with 35% HO for 1 cycle then immersed in water for 3 weeks. Following treatment, a bracket was bonded to the enamel surface of each tooth with orthodontic composite resin and then debonded on a testing machine. The failure interface was also analyzed with scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive x-ray spectrometry. The tensile bond strengths of groups A to B were 10.62±1.82, 10.70±1.87, 10.58±1.66, 10.55±2.20 and 10.73±1.80 MPa, respectively. One-way ANOVA showed no statistical significance among any 2 groups. We concluded that the use of 35% H2O2 does not influence the tensile bond strength within the recommended number of bleaching cycles. However, etching with 37% H3PO4 for 15 seconds is reported to be a cause of enamel fractures.
