  • 期刊


Regeneration of Deforested Sites of Coastal Windbreaks by Underplanting





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This experiment was conducted during the 1981 planting season at coastal windbreak of Hou-Lun, Mao-Li, with 12 tree species each as treatment and two additional planting conditions. (Eight leguminous tree specks and eight native coastal species mixed in a plot, respectively). They were made 14 treatments and aranged randomly with three replications. That the trees were planted in deforested sites by means of underplanting. After 3-year growth of various trees, highly significant differences are found amony treatments in total growth, having a range of 749 to 1.43m. for height growth, and 6.06 to 1.76cm. in diameter. Leucaena leucocephala was the leading. The growth Casuarina equisetifolia, Celtis formosana, and Acacia auriculaeformis also grew well; the growth of Eucalyptus microtheca was poor. (Tab. 2.). Total growth of the 2 accessions M(subscript L)* (Eight leguminous tree species plot) and Mc* (Eight coast tree species plot) also have highly significant differences; in the former (M(subscript L)),* Leucoena leucocephala, Albizia lebbek, Calliandra callothyrsus and Acacia auriculaeformis are better. Dalbergia sisso and Acacia cyanophylla, worse. (Tab. 3.); in the latter (Mc),* Hibiscus tiliaceus is the best with height growth of 4.5m. and diameter, 7.76cm. Drypetes lttloralis and Palaquim formosanum are poor, having a growth ranging from 0.43-0.63m. in height and 0.66-0.93cm. in diameter (Tab. 4.). Annual current height growth showed decrease in the third year, that the growth of Leucaena leucocephala and Hibiscus tiliaceus dropped abruptly that the current height growth was 3.48m. (2ed year) and 1.14m. (3rd year) for the former, and 2.08m. (2ed year) and 0.60m. (3rd year), the latter; the increment of annual diameter growth depended upon the tree species; in the third year, the growth of some species increased and some other dropped, even so, the trend of dropping was gently. Relative light intensity of over fifty percent had 85% in the experimental area. The relationship between windvelocity and winddamaged length of branch of Acacia auriculaformis, was significant in linear regression test (Fig. 1). That the branch was damaged severely in the area with strong wind. Natural seedlings of Leucaena leucocephala were found in the experimental area. That 152-389 seedlings presented in a plot in the second year, 322-1,263 seedling, in third year; height of seedlings under 5cm. had ninety percent for the former, under 50cm., eighty eight percent, for the latter. In view of the fact that the species of Hibiscus tiliaceus, Leucaena leucocephala, Casuarina sp., Celtis formosana, Acacia auriculaeformis and Albizia lebbek could be an outstanding candidates for providing coast windbreak on regeneration needs.




