  • 期刊


On the Practical Meaning and Limit of Paul's Ricoeur's "Hermeneutics of the Self" in the Philosophical Counseling Process


本文試以論述法國哲學家呂格爾(Paul Ricoeur, 1913-2003)的「自我詮釋學」為論述起點,企圖街接詮釋學思想與哲學實踐之現實場域,闡述其實踐意義及其限制。呂格爾《時間與敘事》中論及的敘事理論承接海德格《存有與時間》,從存有到時間到敘事,人的發展與文化無不在存有、時間、語言相關聯。「交談」是諮商歷程中必要元素,而「諮商紀錄」可為重要部分,諮商歷程中憑藉交談、記錄交談內容作為文本,以語言文本為中介去理解案主,是否協助案主更理解自我?探討以呂格爾的「自我詮釋學」,涉及以語言為中介的方式,哲學諮商歷程、實踐意義與限制。


哲學諮商 詮釋學 存有學 語言 自我詮釋學 自性 他者 呂格爾 身體 文本 敘事


This paper begins with the statement about Paul Ricoeur's ”hermeneutics of the self” in wishes to connect the thought of hermeneutics with the actual field of philosophical practice, explicating its practical meaning and limits. The narrative theory addressed in Ricoeur's Time and Narrative follows Heidegger's Being and Time; from being to time and then to narrative, all the development and culture of human beings are related to being, time and language. ”Talking” is a necessary element in the counseling process while the ”counseling record” is an important part. Is it possible to help the client understand him or herself more if, during the counseling process, talking and the records of these talks are utilized as the texts, and the language texts are the intermediary through which to understand the client? This paper is to explore how Ricoeur's ”hermeneutics of the self” involves language as the intermediary along with the process, practical meaning and limits of philosophical counseling process.


Ricoeur, Paul(1990).Soi-même comme un autre.Paris:Edition du Seuil.
Ricoeur, PaulThompson, John B.(ed. trans.)(1981).Hermeneutics and the Human Sciences: Essays on Language, Action and Interpretation.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.
Ricoeur, Paul,Blamey, Kathleen(trans.)(1990).Oneself as Another.Chicago:The University of Chicago Press.
Raabe, Peter B.(2001).Philosophy Counseling: Theory and Practice.London:Praeger.
