  • 期刊


Simulating Impact of Extreme Urban Flooding on Land Use Pattern in Taipei, Taiwan




Most research on urban floods in the last few decades focused on how land use changes alter urban flooding. However, studies that investigate how urban floods affects land use patterns are limited. Therefore, this work applies a novel spatial dynamic modeling approach, based on Markovian cellular automata (CA) and spatial multi-criterion evaluation (MCE), to evaluate the impact of urban floods on land use patterns. Extreme rainfall events caused by climate change are also considered in modeling processes. Taipei City, Taiwan, the study area, has experienced flood events that have caused severe damage in the last decade. A simulated land use scenario under an extreme flood in 2017 indicates that the future land use pattern under extreme flooding will have increased urban sprawl A large number of housing and commercial cells that were located in high-risk areas will gradually disappear and new urban cells will tend to locate outside city centers.


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