  • 期刊


Study on Characteristics of Applying Different Types of Rock Bolts and Prestressed Anchors in Sandstone and Mudstone Alternation




The effects of using rock bolts and prestressed anchors are highly affected by the geological conditions and the construction processes. In recently years, many types of rock bolts and prestressed anchors have been developed in Taiwan. The young Liushuang Formation of the western foothills geological province in southwestern Taiwan is composed of loosely cemented sandstone and mudstone alternations. Both of their PH value and silt content are high. These alternations also contain expansive clay minerals, and thus show slaking through absorption of water. In consequence, these rocks show high strength when dry, but the strength drops drastically when wet. There is very little case history of engineering application in this rock formation. In order to gain some engineering insights to such rock formations during tunnel excavation and slope protection, in -situ tests were conducted on nine types of rock bolts and six types of prestressed anchors. During these tests, the following engineering characteristics were studied: (1). The effects of drilling operation, materials for the fixing section, type of bolt or anchor, and grouting method on the pulling behavior of rock bolts and prestressed anchors; (2) . Long term creep effects when rock bolts or prestressed anchors are installed in sandstone and mudstone alternations; and (3). Considerations for design safety factor.The test results indicated that applying an expansion end rock bolts and prestressed anchors through dry drilling of boreholes would achieve a more desirable pulling strength in the sandstone and mudstone alternations. Taking long term creep into consideration, appropriate drilling of borehole, adequate installation method and safety factor will enable correct mastering of the pulling behavior of the rock bolts and prestressed anchors in sandstone and mudstone alternations.
