  • 期刊

Effects of Anticoagulants and Duration of Storage on Blood Lead Levels



目標:本研究目的是要瞭解血液樣本存放於不同採血管以及儲存時間,對血中鉛濃度之影響。方法:總計有57個血液樣本納入本研究。包括47名鉛作業人員與10名非鉛作業人員。每位研究對象均採用8種不同抗凝固劑之採血管收集血液檢體,並以4℃冷藏直至分析。血鉛濃度比較是以建議血鉛分析使用之採血管,內含Sodium Heparin抗凝固劑之無鉛真空採血管為參考比較組。不同採血管與儲存時間對血鉛濃度的影響採用廣義線性模式GEE(generalized estimating equation)方法來分析。結果:不論在高血鉛值或低血鉛值兩組之血液樣本中,不同採血管血鉛濃度多低於參考比較組,且達顯著差異。其中內含Na2 EDTA、K3 EDTA抗凝固劑之採血管不論在高血鉛值或低血鉛值兩組中,均較參考比較組血鉛濃度為高。而內含Buffered Cit, Na 9:1與Cit, Na-0.129M Silic兩種抗凝固劑之採血管,其血鉛濃度與參考組比較,顯著下降1.616μg/dL and 3.182μg/dL。在各種採血管血液樣本以4℃儲存時間達12個月,血鉛濃度並無太大變化。結論:不同採血管與建議血鉛分析採血管比較,其中內含Buffered Cit, Na 9:1與Cit, Na-0.129M Silic兩種抗凝固劑之採血管,在高血鉛值組,建議不宜做為血鉛分析之採血管,其他採血管對血鉛之影響及長達12個月的儲存時間,雖然血鉛濃度會有所差異,但此種差異在實質上影響甚微。


To explore the influence of different blood sample collecting tubes and the length of storage times on the measurement of blood lead levels (BLLs). Methods: A total of 57 blood specimens were collected from 47 lead-exposed workers and 10 workers not exposed to lead. For each subject, 8 blood samples were drawn with tubes containing different anticoagulants. All specimens were kept in a freezer at a temperature of 4℃ until analyzed. By treating tubes containing lead-free sodium heparin as the reference group, the effects of container types and storage times were analyzed by the generalized estimating equation (GEE) model. Results: For subjects with high BLLs, the blood lead measurements obtained from the blood sample tubes containing the other 7 types of anticoagulants were lower than those of the reference group. Among blood samples from both the high BLL and low BLL groups, higher BLLs existed in tubes containing the anticoagulants, Na2 EDTA and K3 EDTA. On average, the BLLs from tubes using the anticoagulants, buffered Cit, Na 9:1, and Cit, and Na-0.129M Silic were lower than those in the reference group by 1.616μg/dL and 3.182μg/dL, respectively. No significant differences existed in the blood lead concentrations obtained from the blood samples stored in a 4℃ environment and in different types of blood containers for 12 months, whether from the high BLL or the low BLL groups. Conclusions: When collecting blood samples for high BLL analyses, the two anticoagulants (i.e, buffered Cit, Na 9:1, and Cit, and Na-0.129M Silic) are not recommended. However, blood lead concentrations remain stable, even when blood samples have been stored for a period of 12 months.


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