  • 期刊


Literature review of physical, cognitive, social, and multidimensional frailty




As the elderly population increases in Taiwan, the prevalence of chronic diseases and functional disability has risen sharply. Consequently, long-term care and financial systems can quickly become overburdened. Therefore, preventing disabilities among older adults and ensuring healthy aging are essential. Older adults often experience frailty, which is a predisability state; however, frailty is reversible, and older adults can return to a normal state through interventions. This review analyzed studies on physical, cognitive, social, and multidimensional frailty and provides an overview of research on frailty in Taiwan and abroad. Because additional studies on cognitive, social, and multidimensional frailty should be conducted in Taiwan, this review offers three suggestions: (a) A Taiwanese social frailty assessment tool should be developed; (b) further research on social frailty and its prevalence, risk factors, and relationship to adverse outcomes should be conducted; and (c) the mechanisms among aspects of frailty should be further investigated. Studies should evaluate the reliability and validity of multidimensional frailty assessment tools to screen for frailty among older adults in Taiwan more effectively.


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