

由於台灣地區門診服務量年年升高,遠高於歐美各國,因此針對醫學中心之門診服務加以分析。 資料來源為中央健保局一九九七年七月一至一九九八年六月三十日之醫學中心門診申報資料,以單一之醫院進行描述行分析。 結果:醫學中心當時有20,915,139筆資料,約佔當時西醫門診次數之8.3%,平均給藥天數為12.26日,每次門診費用為1468元,其中醫師診察費為197元,檢查檢驗費為613元,藥費為675元。而以藥費而言,平均一次門診給藥3.11種,其中2.43種為口服之錠劑,平均一日之藥費為55.1元,一日服藥7.7錠,每錠金額為5.2元。 財團法人醫院之給藥天數與藥費較低,而公立醫院則較高。至於處方箋釋出方面,財團法人醫院之比例低於公立醫院,預防保健則相近。整體而言,醫院與醫院間仍有相當之差異存在。


醫學中心 門診 處方


The volume of ambulatory care has increased drastically in Taiwan. It is much higher than those of Western countries. Therefore, this study intended to examine ambulatory services of medical centers in Taiwan. The dataset were claims of National Health Insurance from July 1, 1997 to June 30, 1998. We selected ambulatory care of medical centers and performed a descriptive analysis for each hospital. There were 20,915,139 visits and it accounted for 8.3% of all visits at that time. Mean length of medication was 12.26 days. Each visit cost NTS$ 613, and medication fee, NTS$ 675. On further analysis of prescription, we found that there were 3.11 kinds of medication in each visit, including 2.43 kinds in tablet/capsule forms. Daily cost was NTS$ 55.1, daily tablets were 7.7. The mean price of each tablet /capsule was NTS$ 5.2. We found that non-profit hospitals had a lower length of prescriptions and medication costs as compared with those of public hospitals. Also non-profit hospitals released fewer prescriptions to community pharmacies. The ratios of preventive cares were similar for both groups of hospitals .In general, there were variations in services among hospitals despite the funding of them.


