  • 期刊


Accessing Service Attributes of Tamsui Golden Riverside Bikeway by Using SBIPA


近年隨著休閒運動與環保意識的抬頭,騎乘自行車已成為通勤與休閒活動最受歡迎的選擇之一,在以往相關研究中,重要-表現分析(IPA)為一經常被使用之方法,然文獻指出不同象限切分點設定將導致截然不同的結果,如何決定切分點至今仍未有定論。故Chu and Guo於2015年提出相似度重要-表現分析法(SBIPA),以解決象限切分點不同所致之不一致現象,過去SBIPA方法僅用於小樣本之專家問卷分析,本研究首度應用SBIPA於大量遊客問卷,以針對淡水金色水岸自行車道服務屬性進行評估,研究結果顯示金色水岸自行車道之騎乘環境與天然資源應持續保持,但周邊硬體設施及車道安全性亟待改善,研究結果可供政府相關單位作為擬定改善策略並排定優先順序之參考。


Recently, as the importance of leisure, sport, and environmental protection has received more and more attention, cycling has become one of the most popular choices for commuting and leisure activities. In the related studies, importance-performance analysis (IPA) is an often-used method. However, some research indicated that different crosshair settings of traditional IPA would have dramatically different outcomes. How to select the crosshair of an IPA grid is still an unsolved and controversial problem. Therefore, in 2015, Chu and Guo proposed similarity-based IPA (SBIPA) for dealing with the inconsistency caused by the selection of crosshair in a traditional IPA grid. The SBIPA method was only used for expert questionnaire analysis of small samples in the past. In this study, SBIPA is used for the first time in accessing the service attributes of the Tamsui Golden Riverside Bikeway by analyzing large questionnaire samples from tourists. The results show that the environment and natural resources should be kept in the current state whereas the facilities and safety should be improved with high priority. These results can be referred by the authorities for developing and prioritizing the improvement strategies.


IPA similarity Tamsui bikeway service attributes


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