  • 期刊

An Investigation into Teachers' Mediation with Junior College Students' Learning English in Taiwan





This study investigated the college English teachers’and students’ perceptions about the different features of Feuerstein’s mediated learning experience (MLE). Data for this study were drawn from different sources. The primary source of data came from a questionnaire administered to 23 Taiwan EFL teachers and 93 EFL junior college students. Individual interviews with five teachers and focus group interviews with two groups of students were also conducted as a second method of research in this study. The findings reveal significant differences between teachers’ responses to the ‘ideal’ and the ‘practice’ meditation (Yang, 2002) and between teachers and students. It is suggested that people’s understanding of the social role of ‘teacher’ is highly consistent with their home culture. Whereas some aspects of Chinese traditional culture appear to be impediments to MLE (e.g. individuality; awareness of change), it also appears to the case of other aspects of Chinese culture may actually contribute to the implement of MLE (e.g. sharing; a sense of belonging). It needs the teacher’s careful judgment in order to decide which element of MLE may or should exist in which situation


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