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Evaluating the Clinical Competence of the Intern




臨床能力 標準病人


Clinical competence is one of the essential qualities for a qualified physician. Of all the methods of evaluating clinical competence now in use, the ”standardized patient” is generally acknowledged to be a reliable and effective tool. This study used standardized patient testing to better understand the actual clinical competence in neurological assessment of seventh-year medical students at the National Defense Medical College, and to develop a means of standardized patient evaluation that is effective for Taiwan. After rigorously training standardized patients in the symptoms of six diseases, the performance of the standardized patients was evaluated for specialist validity. Ten resident physicians we re then used to evaluate test-retest reliability and the correlation coefficient between the two was found to be 0.82. This indicates that the standardized patient testing method has excellent reliability and validity. An examination room at a hospital clinic was used as a testing station, where the students and the standardized patients could interact under actual clinical conditions. The interaction was videotaped and the assessors evaluated the students actual clinical performance using an evaluation check form, while also investigating possible factors influencing performance. The results were an average score of 82.5 out of a total score of 120 points, indicating that there is room for improvement in the overall performance of the students tested. Further observation of the performance of the students in the four parts of the clinical examination (history taking, physical examination, doctor-patient communication, medical management), each worth 30 points, showed that the students' performance, from highest to lowest, was as follows: doctor-patient communication (24 points), medical management (20.5 points), history taking (20 points) and physical examination (18 points). Investigation of possible factors influencing performance showed that students who had had internship experience in the neurology department performed better than students who had had none. The results of the standardized patient test indicate that students need to improve their physical examination skills. From the students' test scores, it is clear that internship experience is helpful in developing clinical competence. This result also indicates that the use of standardized patients in evaluating medical students can assist clinical tutors in understanding students' clinical strengths and weaknesses.


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林雅絢(2009)。醫學中心標準化病人角色規範、利他行為與工作投入之探討:質性資料比較方法 (Qualitative Comparative Analysis) 之應用〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2009.00383
