  • 期刊


Analyze the Relation of Demands and Technologies among Flexible Display Electronic Product-Taking Flexible E-Book in Teaching as an Example




Under the circumstances that the government actively promotes industry's development program of The Trillion and Twin Star, the image display industry can be considered as one of the key industries of our country development. Most companies and research in recent years engage in a large number of resources to develop the new developing application of display, the development of Paper-like display is engaged actively. Paper-like display is as thin as slice that its appearance can be accomplished like the paper or the projection; however, it has combined computer and personal digital assistants (PDA) and also has the advantage of upgrading information. But the development of the paper like displays still belongs to the stage of researching and developing at present, every technological development can be designed for different market demand, perhaps can have different display technologies at the same time in the future. ‘Flexible e-book in Teaching' is the theme of studying in this research. This research launches the way through the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and makes comparative analysis between 16 consumer demands and 15 technological classifications, and through Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM), consulting all kinds of expert, scholar and industry personage in 'Flexible e-book in Teaching'. Moreover, this research discusses the important degree of function and characteristic of the consumer's demand in 'Flexible e-book in Teaching', and expected to obtain the attention degree of criterion of every demand in 'Flexible e-book in Teaching' for the government to promote the scientific and technological industry, design and manufacture of electron scientific and technological manufacturer as the reference basis in this kind of new product in Taiwan in the future. The result of this research analysis in 'Flexible e-book in Teaching' acquires that 'Screen color display', 'Screen size dimension' and 'can be folded' these three kinds of characteristics are essential points of primary development.


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