  • 期刊


The Impact of Knowledge Management and Social Media on Service Innovation


創新的基礎在於知識,過往的文獻也證實了知識管理對創新績效的影響。不過,這些研究的對象幾乎都是以製造業廠商為主,很少特別針對服務業來進行探討,且大多以量化分析為主,對於實務上的具體論述非常少,也較少討論到有關知識保護的議題。在服務創新模式方面,本研究初步認為den Hertog et al. (2010)所提出的模式是較為完整的,不過,該模式雖然顯示出各服務創新要素與服務創新相關之動態能力的一些構面,但並沒有考量到時間軸與各構面間的前後關係。此外,有鑑於網路與社群媒體的快速發展,本文亦初步就其對服務創新的影響加以探討。為彌補上述研究的缺口,本研究採取質性多重個案研究法,選擇台灣四家在服務創新方面具有優越成效的服務業者進行深入的研究,探討其知識管理對服務創新的影響。本研究最後得到的主要發現包括:(1)服務業者在發展服務創新時,會考量知識的系統性、變動性與機密性程度的不同,選擇適當的知識管理活動;(2)服務業者之不同的知識管理活動,會影響不同的服務創新要素;(3)服務業者之資通訊科技與社群媒體,會透過兩方面的角色來影響服務創新:做為服務創新展現之載體;與做為服務創新需求訊息搜尋以及服務創新相關訊息傳遞/整合之平台。


Knowledge is the foundation of innovation. Previous researches have preliminarily confirmed the relationship between knowledge management and innovation performance. However, most of their research subjects are manufacturing firms. Very few studies focus on the service industry. Even some literatures can be found within the service sectors, it is realized that they mainly use the quantitative research approaches. Not only can their practical implications hardly be retrieved, but also very few themes regarding knowledge protection have been addressed. In this research, we considered the model from den Hertog et al. (2010) more comprehensive than the others. Nevertheless, that model showed some dimensions of service innovations and related dynamic capabilities, but timeline and relationships among those dimensions were not considered. Additionally, the impact of social media on service innovations seems necessary to be explored due to the rapid development of internet and social media. To fill the research gap, this study adopts a qualitative multiple-case-study approach and investigates four service firms in Taiwan that have the excellent performance in service innovations. The main findings of the study includes: (1) Service firms will consider the knowledge attributes of systematization, changing dynamics and secrecy to determine the appropriate knowledge management practices; (2) The various types of knowledge management activities will affect the different elements of service innovations; and (3) The ICT and social media will affect the service innovations via their roles as a platform for implementing service innovations and a processor for analyzing opportunities of, and for delivering/integrating information of service innovations.


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