  • 期刊


Applications of Latent Growth Modeling in Physical Education and Sports




縱斷面 截距因子 斜率因子


Latent growth modeling has been receiving attention as a methodology for use in sports-related research. In the future, more and more scholars in sports will apply a latent growth model within their research. Therefore, this article focuses on the research design requirements of latent growth modeling and the widely used models in practice, and provides an overview of latent growth modeling as applied to sports research. The purpose of this article is to explore the applications of latent growth model in the field of physical exercise. Through the analysis, induction, and organization of published papers, hopefully we may understand more about its application within the field of physical exercise. Furthermore, this paper compares the differences in research design among four models: the latent growth model, traditional variance analysis, multiple regression analysis, and multilevel growth analysis. This paper concludes that recently the domestic and international academic journals in sports have been paying more and more attention to research methodology. A sports researcher should be equipped with the correct statistical applications, in addition to understanding the progress of those related statistical techniques. After reviewing the relevant literature, we hope that the scholars in physical exercise will become familiar with this growth model and its theoretical interpretations.


longitudinal intercept slope factor


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