  • 期刊


A Preliminary Study of the Professional Capability Requirement of Health Care Management Personnel in Hospitals and Government Health Agencies



社會進步加上醫療環境的巨變,對於醫院的經營管理產生極大的衝擊,因此醫管專業也越來越受重視,而我國醫管人才的培育管道從專科到研究所都有,尤其在近幾年面臨教育制度的改革,許多原本以培育醫管人力的專科學校,紛紛升格為技術學院,從人力素質層面而言,可使專科畢業生多了一個選擇進修的機會,對整體素質的提升有其正面的意義,但從人力應用層面而言,專科學生畢業後多數選擇繼續升學的傾向,也影響到學校的課程內容與設計,甚至扭曲了醫管專科以培養醫院中基層實務專業人員的教育目標。此外,就技專校院設立的宗旨,在於培養專業技術及管理人才以符合產業及工作所需的目的來看,設有醫管科系所的學校其所開設的醫管相關專業課程,是否能滿足醫療相關工作的需要,便是本研究主要探討的目的。 本研究主要針對衛生署在84至86年評鑑合格的區域級以上醫院及各級衛生機關(包括衛生署、衛生局、中央健康保險局總局及各分局)首長,進行郵寄問卷調查,研究結果顯示有高達93.5%的醫院內有進用醫管人力,而衛生機關則僅有50%有進用醫管人力,對於未來醫管人力的培育方式而言,多數醫院院長建議以大學(含二技及四技)以上最適當,而衛生機關首長則建議以研究所方式為宜。此外,醫院院長也建議醫管人力應加強醫療行銷管理、醫療品質管理、醫療財務管理、醫療資訊管理及保險申報實務等學科的訓練,而衛生機關首長則建議應加強其衛生行政與醫療政策、流行病學、醫療保險制度、醫療相關法規及醫療品質管理等學科的訓練。


Social improvements and huge change of health care environments have significantly impacted hospital management. Thus, professional concepts involving health care management (HCM) are gaining increasing attention. In our country, HCM personnel are soured from graduates of junior college to graduate school. Because of educational reforms, many schools originally designed for training programs of HCM personnel in junior colleges have schools originally designed for training programs of HCM personnel in junior colleges have upgraded to training those in institutes of technology. Regarding manpower quality, it offers junior college graduates more opportunities to advance their education, which improves over-all quality. However, in terms of human resource application, the trend among junior college compromising the educational goal of cultivating basic and medium levels of practical hospital officials. Additionally, establishing technical training programs in junior colleges and institutes of technology aims to cultivate professional technicians and managers and thus meet industrial and occupational requirements. This study alms to confirm whether HCM related professional training in schools can satisfy the occupational needs of hospitals. This study examined government health Agencies (GHA), and hospitals of regional grade or above, evaluated as being qualified by the department of public health from 1995 to 1997. Questionnaires were distributed to the directors of hospitals and the GHA by mail. Results of this study show that the employment rate of professionals is 93.5% in hospitals and 50% in the GHA. Regarding the educational background of HCM personnel, we recommend that hospital directors have a bachelor degree or above, while GHA personnel should have a postgraduate degree. Additionally, hospital directors suggest that training programs in marketing management, quality management, financial management, information management, and health Insurance practices should be improved. Directors of the GHA suggest improving training programs in health administration and policy, epidemiology, medical insurance system, medical related regulation, and quality management.


