  • 期刊


The Will of the State and Political Action: Hobbes, Bosanquet and Collingwood on the Representation and Presence of the Sovereign State




霍布斯 盧梭 鮑桑葵 柯靈烏 主權國家 代表 政治行動


This article aims to discuss how Hobbes's theory of the sovereign state and its puzzles have, through Rousseau's doctrine of popular sovereignty, influenced Bosanquet's and Collingwood's conceptions of the will of the state and political action. On the basis of his 'authorisation-representation' thesis, Hobbes claims that the person of the state has to be represented by the sovereign representative to will and act. However, Rousseau counters that the sovereign's will cannot be represented, except by the assembly of the whole people, hence no government or ruler can arrogate the name of the sovereign. In virtue of this difference between Hobbes and Rousseau, the issue of whether sovereignty can be present in the course of ruling and governing without representatives or not is a puzzle which thus remains for scholars and thinkers. Taking the puzzle as the starting point, this article argues that Bosanquet and Collingwood have proposed a theory of the organisation of the will of the state and a theory of the actualisation of the state in action respectively to disclose the presence of the sovereign state, and the thesis of the will as a paradigm of theorising the sovereign state has thus been developed and transformed.


Bosanquet, Bernard. 2001. The Philosophical Theory of the State and Related Essays, eds. by Gerald F. Gaus and William Sweet. South Bend, Indiana: St. Augustine's Press.
Collingwood, Robin George. 1992. The New Leviathan, ed. by David Boucher. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
