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Voters' Expectation Discrepancy, Citizen Watch, and Congressional Performance: An Analysis of the Ninth Legislative Yuan in Taiwan




Considering that continuous dissatisfaction with the performance of congress may cause a crisis of democratic legitimacy, hence, existing research attempts to find a solution from the institutional level, exploring how to design elections rules or voting procedures and other systems to regulate the behavior of members of Congress and enable them to fulfill the duties entrusted by the people. However, little research has been done to understand expectations for the role of Congress in the minds of voters and the potential effect of civic organizations on the relationships between congressional performance and expectation discrepancy of the citizens. Drawing from a telephone survey data conducted in Taiwan (n=1,810), 2020, the authors found that the expectation discrepancy among the citizens indeed occurred. Our multiple linear regression models show that the citizens who either expect their members of congress to be a lawmaker or a constituency services provider tended to disapprove of the congress if expectation discrepancy occurred. In addition, this correlation might be influenced by information provided by civic organizations even though the coefficients are slightly changed. Compared to previous studies that demonstrate institution matters, the findings suggest that the voter's expectation discrepancy on congressional disapproval is significant while external stimulations from civic organizations are taken into consideration. Nevertheless, further research employing experiment design data or panel survey methods is encouraged to confirm these causal relationships.


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