  • 期刊


Research on Translator's Identity: A Case Study of Lin Yutang's and Gu Hongming's Translations




譯者身份 痕迹 闡釋 林語堂 辜鴻銘


Research on translator's identity has developed from the translator's invisibility into the subjectivity. As the subject of translation activities, translators inevitably made explanations of the original text so that the imprints of the translator could remain in the target text. The transformation of translator's identity is also a cognition process of his subjective initiative. This paper has analyzed Lin Yutang and Gu Hongming's cross-cultural identity in a comparative way, objectively explained the inner and outer textual factors based on their C-E translations or rewriting, and holistically studied their imprints as translators, to further deepen the understanding ofthe translators and translation essence.


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