  • 期刊


To Establish the Model of Riding Simulation on Computer towards the Riding Comfort of Human Being



本研究除運用已建構之國內外人體騎姿尺寸資料庫外,更於不同座高條件下,擷取受測者腳部主要肌向踩踏之動態肌電圈,及乎都、軀幹之靜態肌電圈,同時以Borg's尺度及SD尺度,分別詢問受測者手部、腳部、軀幹及臀部等相關部位及整體的舒適程度與負荷程度。據此探討騎乘舒適性、座高及身體各部位問之相關程度,進而推估其迴歸曲線,以求得自行車騎乘之最佳舒適範園值,提供自行車座高設計時之參考依據。綜合前述生理反應及心理反應等數值資料,藉以建立人體騎乘疲勞度評量及主觀舒適性評量等多項資料庫,提供以Auto CAD電腦動畫方式進行人體騎姿之動態模擬之參照,並求得較適座高及其與把手之相對位置,同時並修正相關操作介面使吏符合人性化之操控,提供自行車設計人員直接運用。 本研究結果顯示1)隨著座位高度的降低,足部積分值有明顯的減少,整體舒適度亦呈現逐漸舒適的趨勢,惟座高過低時仍會有不舒適的主觀成受。2)隨著把手高度的降低,足部積分值有減少的趨勢,整體舒過程度亦呈現逐漸提升的趨勢。3)透過電腦動態模擬程式,獲得最適座位高度,並推算出最適把手高度、腳都EMG積分總和及整體舒適性主觀評價推估值,提供自行車設計之參考。


To satisfy customers' need, a lot of consideration must be made to the design of bicycle. Except for fine construction of the frame, a good design of the bicycle includes ergonomic consideration for riders. This study was to evaluate the inf1uence of seat heights on riders' physiological and psychological responses when riding bicycle. Ride comfort was assessed based on the measurement of electromyogram in lower limbs, upper limbs, hips, and body. Questionnaire with Borg's scale and SD scale was also used to find riders ' subjective opinion regarding ride comfort. The relation between ride comfort and seat height was then established from the regression curve of the physiological and psychological responses with respect to the seat height. Using these regression curves, the best seat height can be determined for the most comfortable riding posture. The results of this study can be used to develop the riding simulation model on computer, which may benefit the manufacturers and the designers in the area of ergonomic design of bicycle.
