  • 期刊


The Application of Yin-Yang Theory on Good-health Keeping Based on Huang Di's Interior Bible and the Ten Questions about Diagnostics




Good-health Keeping is an applied science. Its basic theory comes from medical science, threpsology, physical, etc. Traditional Good-health Keeping includes food remedy, massage, CM Gung, Chinese boxing, etc. In the first paragraph, it illustrates the character of Yin-Ying theory and Good-health Keeping and clarifies the misunderstanding toward the fantastic Yin-Ying theory. Its background is scientific philosophy. We must understand that there are a lot of systems in medical science; therefore, traditional Good-health Keeping has another ground. In the second paragraph, it talks about the ”Interior Bible” Yin-Ying theory and to sum up some about Good-health Keeping rules and to illustrate in an easy way. In the third paragraph, it talks about the basic opinion of diagnostics and hope to notice the attribution of Yin-Ying through seven aspects in daily lives and furthermore, to use it to be the reference of Good-health Keeping. Its key point is the steady and balance of the Yin-Ying theory. It also brings up personal opinion towards the character and the difference of eight outlines. The advantages of Good-health Keeping is the ”three early” that is find early, diagnose early and early to treat. To sum up, there are two metaphors; one is that Good-health Keeping could contribute to health and longevity. Even though you have the foundation of strong energy, it's not enough; thus it's important that the operation of body acquired. Another is to care of the strong the gin and fortifies Ying that is you must to understand the human's physiology to prevent from deviation. The basic spirit of the whole text is to explain profound theories in simple language and the theory must be built by some foundation. The principle must be easy to understand even if you are not a medical expert; and there is a principle to master and develop the Good-health Keeping activity and function around and omnipresent.
