  • 期刊


An Explore on the Practice of Civil Society in Local Community: A Perspective of Mode of Community Mobilization




This paper aims to explore two issues. One is how to view and define the so-called "excellent community" which has been promoted by the government under the "community-building" policies in recent years. The other is whether there is any substantia link between the model of community development and the practice of "civil society". With community development association as a research vantage point, we take X community, an excellent community, as an example and provide a research framework from static structure and dynamic mobilization aspects to analyze these issues. The methods of participant observation and in-depth interviews are used to collect research data and some crucial findings are as follows: first, the effect of the excellent community mainly because of the use of government resources. Secondly, some community is named an excellent one does not mean its essence has changed. Thirdly, traditional mobilization mechanism in the excellent community still has an important role. Finally, some communities' outstanding performances at this stage are only "cold wood effect", and perhaps it still lets alone the development of "civil society".
