  • 期刊

The Being of Truth: Critical Reflections on Richard Rorty's Denial of Truth





真理 符應性 觀念論結構 普遍性 永恆


Since logical positivism Anglo-American philosophy has engaged in a relentless critique of correspondence truth, culminating in Richard Rorty's claim that the very nature of truth cannot be rationally ascertained. "Truth" is thereby banned from philosophy (and philosophy itself is banned from reason, reduced to a form of imaginative literature). Rorty's neopragmatism has introduced a total value relativism into the American polity excluding all principled norms from social policy in American. Normative values relative to heterosexuality, man-woman marriage, killing innocents (viz., abortion), etc. are being politically relativized by the governmental introduction of politically desired "x-group's rights", etc. in place of natural law. This study aggressively confronts on a rational level Rorty's contention by regrounding the nature of correspondence truth in terms of Anglo-American idealism. The nature and structure of truth is ascertained and shown to be universal and eternal in validity. Rorty's counter contention has no logical coherence except in terms of the nature of truth and, hence, is self-destructive.


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