  • 期刊


The Community Health Assessment and Diagnosis in Rural Area by Dimensions Model


「社區健康評估」是進行社區健康照護的第一步,唯有透過詳實的評估,才能確保所提供的護理措施能真正符合社區需求,因此,本文介紹一個社區健康評估的模式:層次模式(Dimensions Model)。並以此架構收集甲縣甲村的資料,以確認層次模式的本土適用性。先彙整甲村之需求、資源與動力,以及相關健康狀況與行為,進而分析資料,確認三項社區健康問題診斷,並依據Muecke所提出優先順序評分方式,與社區共同排出健康問題的優先順序。最重要的是:甲村之國小一年級學生視力保健觀念及防制行為不足,導致視力不良比率過高。本文期望層次模式能做為社區護理人員洞悉社區真正的需要,發現社區健康問題,發展進階護理的專業角色功能,及推動健康計畫的參考。藉由本土的案例,說明此評估工具的實用性及本土應用時的考量。最後對此社區評估架構之概念、變項的關聯性,使用時的優缺點,並提出具體的建議,以作為日後社區工作者選用社區健康評估工具之參考,並豐富護理的知識。


Community health assessment is the first step to ensure that the provision of care measures meet the needs of the community. This article introduces how advanced professional nursing care can use the Dimension Model to pinpoint the true needs of a community's health. Thoughtful and careful assessment of the selected sample rural community included specific cultural considerations. The data collected included the needs, resources and community development initiative and related health and behavior. Based on the Muecke proposed priority scoring method, the top priority in the health problem of this community identified was that elementary school first graders lacked knowledge and behavior on how to promote eyes health. There were a significantly high percentage of students with poor vision in the specified elementary school. The findings illustrated the practicality of this assessment and priority scoring model. The evaluations of the framework included concept clearance, the relationship among indicators, and the strengths/limitations. The assessment tool and is highly recommended for future health promotion programs.


