

The aim of study was to evaluate the replacement effect of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) flour by Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp) peel flour in a Frankfurter-type sausages formulation. In order to obtain an optimal incorporation level, five formulations from which Wheat Flour (WF) replacement with YPF were carried out as follows: 25, 50, 75 and 100%, respectively. Therefore, emulsifying stability, pH, water retention capacity, color, proximal composition and texture profile in Frankfurter-type sausages, were evaluated. Results showed that water retention capacity in sausage increased upon 6% when is replaced with up to 50% WF. pH decreased upon replacement with 75% WF. Conversely, Frankfurter-type sausages with added YPF had a higher protein content and hardness at different levels. In addition, the most similar formulation to the control sample was 25% YPF. Results demonstrated that wheat flour replacement (replaced with 25% of YPF) by yacon peel flour, which was beneficial for frankfurter-type sausages quality.
