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Move Distribution and Configuration of Literature Reviews at Four Levels


Literature review discourse is a particular genre that graduate students must familiarize themselves with during their course of study. However, substantial difficulties exist in literature review writing and how graduate students arrange moves remains unclear. Hence, the move arrangement of this textual construction was examined. This study explored move configuration and move cycle in literature review discourse at graduate level because these two concepts may provide implications for literature reviewing teaching. Thirty literature review discourses were rated and grouped into four quality levels. The four major moves of Hsiao and Yu (2012) were exploited in this study, as follows: conceptualizing themes in a field (Move 1), integrating previous works on the themes (Move 2), relating previous works to the current study (Move 3), and announcing personal research (Move 4). The statistical results revealed that higher-rated literature reviews result in move configurations of increased complexity, and increased move cycles are found in advanced levels.


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