  • 期刊

Comparative Study of Well Being, Thought Control, Academic Achievement and Health Related Physical Fitness of Active and Inactive Adolescent School Students


The main purpose of the study was to see the comparison of Well Being, Thought Control, Academic Achievement and Health Related Physical Fitness of Active and Inactive Adolescent School Students”. The number of sample (N=300) was selected from the government high and secondary school. 150 Active Adolescent Students and 150 Inactive Adolescent Students were selected by employing purposive sampling technique. The age level of the subjects was ranged from 11 to 17 years. The psychological parameters like Wellbeing questionnaire devised by Bireleson was used to measure possible depression of older age children and adolescent, Thought Control Questionnaire constructed by Adrian Wells and Mark I Davis, was used which contain five sub factors viz. Distraction, Social Control, Worry, Punishment and Re-appraisal were used apart from Academic achievement was assessed on the basis of percentage of marks obtained by the candidate in the final examination and Health Related Physical Fitness was measured by administering the following tests items Muscular endurance (Bent Knee Sit Ups), Muscular strength (Chin Ups), Cardiovascular endurance (12 Minutes Run and Walk Test), Flexibility (Sit and Reach Test), Body composition (Lean Body Weight and body fat weight) were used as a tool of the study. In order to examine the hypothesis of the study descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation were computed. Further, to determine the significant difference the Active and Inactive Adolescent students in the selected parameters Independent t-test was computed separately. In the conclusion of the study it was found that the parameters Well-being, Punishment, Worry, Social control, Re-appraisal, Academic achievement, 12 minutes run and walk, Bent Knee sits ups, Fat weight and Lean body weight showed significant difference between the active and inactive adolescent school students where the aforesaid parameter's mean level was in case of active adolescent students showed higher again the parameters Distraction, Chin ups, Sit and reach test didn't show any significant difference between the two groups.


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