  • 期刊


The Influence of the Tai-chi Proposing by Chu-Hsi-Centered in the Philosophers of the Beginning of Ching Dynasty




太極 陰陽


After Chu-Hsi proposing his Tai-chi theory, various philosophers had transformed the main body of this theory to different types of contents. The cause of the transformation included pass of time, changes of dynasties, bias of politics, as well as the transition of the theory itself. Because the current (study of) Tai-chi theories may come out from heritage or criticism, they have different explanations on the original Tai-chi of Chu-Hsi. After Ching Dynasty, the Tai-chi theory had been divided to many divisions, because of the expansion of Li and introduction (intrusion) of western thoughts. However, the people who followed the thoughts of Chu-Hsi still regarded that Tai-chi was based on Li. In addition, some people thought the Tai-chi was based on heart or chi, and therefore formed various methods. Although these transited methods are not the main trend, they still have some influences on the current people. This study has analyzed the thoughts of Tai-chi, which were proposed during the beginning of Ching Dynasty, to understand the main bodies of the philosophers.


Tai-chi yin-ynng li chi Chu-Hsi
