  • 期刊


Students' Learning Satisfaction to School Compulsory General Education Core Curriculum (Chinese Humanities) in China University of Science and Technology China University of Science and Technology



本研究旨在探討本校學生修習通識教育核心課程(中華人文)的滿意度。採用問卷調查法,以自行發展之學習滿意度問卷為工具,蒐集研究所需資料。調查實施以中華科技大學日間部98學年第二學期修習中華人文課程的學生為對象,施測獲得有效樣本295份。所使用統計方法包括:次數分配、標準差、排序、t-考驗及單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)等。研究獲致以下主要發現: 一、約近80%的學生了解選修中華人文的目的;有近80%的學生表示,因課程的需要而利用圖書館的資源蒐集資料;以及有79.7%的學生表示上課時大部份時間專心聽講;有69.3%認為中華人文列為必修是合理的;但是,也有48%的學生表示選課前不了解中華人文課程的學習內容。 二、學習滿意度的構面依序是:「流暢與互動」;「溫暖與獲益」及「興趣與思考」。在項目方面,整體問卷而言,較滿意的前五項依序是:「老師上課時會鼓勵同學正面思考」;「老師講解很有耐心」;「開學時老師有說明上課規則」;「老師準時上下課」及「我滿意老師的教學態度」。 三、不同性別學生在通識核心課程(中華人文)學習滿意程度,在「溫暖與獲益」及整體總問卷上,男生認同的程度較女生高。 四、「了解中華人文課程目的」、「開學前清楚中華人文教學內容」及「中華人文列為必修是合理的」等一般意見不同的學生,對通識核心課程(中華人文)學習的滿意度有顯著的差異存在。答「是」的同學比答「否」的同學,滿意度顯著較高。 五、「上課時大部份時間專心聽講」的學生,滿意度的認同程度顯著較高。「缺課狀況」方面,缺課次數愈多,認同程度愈低。


This study aims to examine the satisfaction of students attend school compulsory general education core curriculum (Chinese humanities) in the China university of science and Technology (CUST). With questionnaire survey the study develop learning satisfaction inventory as a tool to collect data. The subjects were 295 day school students that attend school compulsory general education core curriculum (Chinese humanities) in 2009 school year at CUST. The statistical methods used to analyze data include frequency and percentage, standard deviation, ranking, t-test and ANOVA. The main results and conclusions are shown below: 1. The approximately nearly 80% students understood the purpose of studying Chinese humanities and nearly 80% students with the experience using the library resources to gather the material needed in this class; nearly 79.7% students attend class with attention and nearly 69.3% students thought that the Chinese humanities list as compulsory are reasonable; But, also nearly 48% students indicated that no idea about the class before attending the class. 2. The degree of learning satisfaction in factor is in order: 'Smooth and interaction', 'Warm and benefit' and 'Interest and thinking'. On the overall questionnaire the satisfied first five items are in order: Teacher always will encourage schoolmate to thinking positively; Teacher always instructs with patience; Teacher has explained the rules attending the class in beginning school; Teacher always attending and finishing class on time and I am satisfied to teacher's teaching way. 3. In 'Warm and benefit' factor and total questionnaire, the learning satisfaction of the male and the female were difference significantly. The male evaluated higher than female. 4. Students who have the different condition before attending class such as understood the purpose of studying Chinese Human Culture, thought that the Chinese humanities list as compulsory are reasonable, and realize the content learning in this subject before attending the class. The learning satisfaction is significantly difference. The students with positive attitude are higher satisfied. 5. The students who attend class with attention are more satisfied with their learning satisfaction. Students who are absent from class are more, the approval degree are lower.
