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Evaluation of a Cook-Freezing System Applied to Hospital Meal Service


急速冷凍供應的好處是集中於中央廚房生產、具經濟效益、標準化製作,並可節省能源、食物及勞力成本等。本研究由營養師設計新開發十道健康餐及藥膳餐,以急速冷凍供應方式製備,即烹煮後使用急速冷凍系統於90分鐘內降溫至-18℃並凍藏保存三天,取出復熱至食物中心溫度達75℃後供餐。以現煮菜餚為對照組,對兩種供餐方式烹調的菜餚進行微生物檢測、感官品評。結果顯示十道凍存菜餚與現煮菜餚之微生物含量均符合檢驗標準(總生菌數< 1.0×10^5 CFU/g、大腸桿菌群< 1.0×10^3 CFU/g、大腸桿菌為陰性)。以嗜好評分試驗法(Hedonic Rating Scale)評估接受程度,發現凍存復熱與現煮樣品,整體接受程度並無顯著性差異。此外,使用殺菁後真空封膜,再進行急速冷凍並以隔水加熱方式復熱,最能維持綠色蔬菜的色澤與質地。本研究結果顯示急速冷凍系統可兼顧食品安全及保存食物風味、質地與色澤,可考慮為醫院餐食供應方式選擇。


The benefits of applying a cook-freezing system to hospital food service include centralized, economical, and standardized operations, and saving energy, food, and labor resources. In this study, we investigated the feasibility of applying cook-freezing technology to food service at a medical center in southern Taiwan. In total, 10 healthy and Chinese herbal dishes were designed by dietitians. Each dish was freshly cooked and then quick-frozen to -18°C. After 3 days of storage at -18°C, the dishes were reheated to reach a core temperature of 75°C. Microbial analyses including a total plate count, coliform group, and Escherichia coli were performed. Results showed that both freshly cooked and reheated cooked-frozen dishes were in accordance with regulations of the Taiwanese government. There was no significant difference of acceptance between freshly cooked and reheated cook-frozen dishes according to results of a hedonic test. In addition, blanching followed by vacuum sealing, cook-freezing, and water-heating treatments might be a better way to maintain the color of green vegetables. In conclusion, our results showed that a cook-freezing system is able to keep food safe and maintain the color of vegetables. This system might be a suitable choice for hospital food service.
