漢末天下大亂,群雄並起,面對以軍事爲上的政治局勢,曹操以一套完善的軍事幕僚組織,得到集思廣益的效果,成功地打敗北方群雄,奠定了曹魏立國的基礎。對於這些具有顯著貢獻的參謀群體,本文以曹操幕府中的軍師、軍謀議掾屬、參軍爲例,試圖以此觀察漢末動盪時期的軍事幕僚,討論其執掌與特點。 根據本文研究,曹操的軍事幕僚有幾個值得注意的地方。首先,曹操設置的軍師、軍祭酒、軍謀議掾屬以及參軍事等,其品秩當以漢制幾石爲主,而非幾品。其中軍師爲軍事幕僚的最高位,次爲軍祭酒、軍謀議掾屬,而參軍事多帶有本職,故其品秩不一。第二,軍事幕僚的貢獻多在規劃戰術、制定戰略、管理制度文書、人事安排、穩定朝野等,不過有些職掌卻是隨著曹魏帝國的建立才明確化,如軍師的監軍性質。第三,曹操引用大批士大夫爲軍事幕僚,攏絡他們進入幕府之中,除了藉助他們的優異能力外,也有讓他們成爲曹魏政權班底之意。然而曹操對他們卻非全無戒心,他使這些士大夫僅職參謀議,卻不具有領兵權,這多少有防範奪權之意。從這一點來看,儘管曹氏政權內部並不穩定,但是反曹操的勢力一直無法有效舉事,這與曹操的用人政策應有一定關係。
Chao Chao was noted hero in last years of East Han Dynasty. He defeated numerous enemies, and get the power from East Han Empire. Chao Chao established the foundation for Wei Dynasty. During this process of the war everywhere, Chao Chao's military councilors had a lot of contribution in the war and the political. It is very important system of civil service for Chao Chao. The major findings of the study are as following. First, Officer's rank was not nine grade (九品). The Officer's rank still was Han Dynasty's system. Second, military councilor's job and power changes continuously with time. Third, military councilors participated the decision, but they can not lead troops. Chao Chao's strategy of divide into the power, make some military councilors who resist Chao Chao fail.