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An Exploratory Study on Fathers' Use of Paid Parental Leave in Taiwan




Taiwan's Parental Leave policy was set up in 2002, and most of the applicants are still women. Even though the parental leave allowance has been provided since 2009, the duty of care is still mostly undertaken by women. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to understand the motivations and model of care of fathers who take parental leave.This study uses qualitative research and then interviews nine parental leave fathers to find two main points. First, there is a hierarchical relationship among the main five factors for taking parental leave, including ”personal”, ”family”, ”social environment”, ”occupational structure” and ”the emergence of the problem”. These factors make some fathers ”want to” take, others ”need to” take, and others ”have to” take parental leave. Second, parental leave fathers differ from mothers who are often responsible for the same care work at home. Because fathers can use their time flexibly, they can also clearly separate care work and house work, whereas mothers need to take them all. For most parental leave fathers, caring for a child is just like a relay race, because they can easily pass the baton to the next person. In other words, parental leave fathers still fail to become the primary caregiver, even when they apply for parental leave.Overall, the traditional social stereotypes of gender roles are still firmly embedded in the social structure and they also shape personal behavior. This therefore has a great influence on expecting men to become the breadwinners and expecting women to become the caregivers.


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