  • 期刊


Analysis of Chih-Chia Chang's Pitching Movement after Injury


張誌家是近年我國在國際賽會的主力投手之一,可惜因受傷導致投球動作走樣、球速降低、控球變差,甚至一度消失在投球丘。本研究是利用10台高速攝影機(200 Hz)的Motion Analysis system拍攝與分析張誌家受傷後的投球動作,並以受傷前的投球動作畫面,進行受傷前(狀況佳)與受傷後(狀況差)投球動作差異探討;經中華代表隊教練、張誌家、研究人員共同分析討論後,發現張誌家受傷後:(1)跨步期時右膝彎曲角度過小,可能使推蹬力道不足而造成球速的下降;(2)右手自然下擺時機略晚,且未能完全的下擺至最低點,形成投球動作模式有所改變;(3)前導腳著地瞬間,腳尖已直接指向捕手,造成下半身的力矩較小,使傳導至上半身的角動量減小,影響投球動作的執行;(4)揮臂預備期時,右手肘關節角度過度彎曲且低於肩關節,此會限制右肩關節的活動度,使得手臂擺動幅度不夠大,以致於造成(5)右肩過度水平外展,使胸部與背部肌肉僵硬無法有效儲存能量,進而使得(6)球出手時肘關節位置明顯低於肩關節,使得因動力鍊傳導的角動量,因力臂較短而無法有效傳導至球體,甚至增加肘關節力矩,而提高受傷機率;(7)球出手時前導腳著地瞬間,膝關節會明顯的外翻,如此身體會有過度左傾現象,使放球點不固定,以致影響整體動作的穩定性和控球。本研究提供張誌家投球動作走樣的問題點,可做爲改進或調整動作的參考。


動作分析 運動學 質化分析


Chih-Chia Chang who is one of major pitchers in Chinese Taipei Baseball Team during international competition. However, He lost his pattern of pitching movement, decreased pitching velocity, and worse his pitching control after getting injury. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare his pitching movement between before-injury and after-injury. Motion analysis system with ten eagle high speed cameras (200Hz) were used to collect pitching images and EVaRT4.6 analysis software was used to analysis data. Qualitative analysis conducted by coaches, himself and scientific researchers. The results showed that Chih-Chia Chang has some different movements after injury as below: (1) Right knee had smaller flexion angle at stride phase. (2) Right hand of swing pattern was slower and not naturally reached lowest position. (3) Ankle of leading leg directly pointed to catcher when it contacted to the mound. (4) Right elbow was more flexion at arm cocking phase. (5) Right shoulder had more horizontal abduction at arm cocking phases. (6) Right elbow had lower than shoulder joint at moment of ball release. (7) Knee of leading leg had significantly inversion and trunk inclined to left direction while ball release. These findings suggested that Chang's pitching movement was quite different between before and after injury. The results could provide useful information to adjust Chang's pitching movement.


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