  • 學位論文


Relationship investigation between local environmental certification and sustainable development in New Taipei City

指導教授 : 駱尚廉


2015年9月聯合國通過「翻轉世界:2030年永續發展議程」宣言,2016年17項永續發展目標(SDGs)正式生效,訂有明確期程及建立審查機制,持續以兼顧經濟、社會與環境三個層面,作為2030年前全球永續發展的共同指導方針。 永續發展目標的精神是不遺漏任何一人,故其較千禧年發展目標全面且完善,然永續發展目標重要的是實踐與執行,身為地球村的一員,臺灣已於2017年發表國家自願檢視報告(VNR),新北市也在2019年成為全球前十個發表地方自願檢視報告(VLR)的城市,皆是向國際揭露永續發展的決心,而本研究選定的新北市里環境認證制度則是地方行動的具體實踐方案。 本研究以德爾菲法探討新北市里環境認證指標與永續發展目標的關聯性,篩選出高度相關目標為SDG4:全民教育;SDG6:淨水與衛生;SDG9:工業、創新與基礎建設;SDG11:永續城市;SDG17夥伴關係,顯見里環境認證制度涵蓋了經濟、社會與環境三層面。進一步再以層級分析法探討里環境認證指標與上述5個目標的關聯程度則依序為低碳永續、環保推廣、循環資源、環境美化與巷弄乾淨並列,最後則為公廁清新,本研究結果可推論新北市環境認證指標與永續發展目標具正面關聯,且具差異性可做為未來推動或調整的參考依據。 新北市里環境認證制度帶來了一個新的思考,大至國家,小至個人都能透過自我的行動與永續發展目標產生聯結,而地方政府可藉由良好制度的推動,帶領在地居民實踐永續發展之在地思維,轉化為永續發展動能。


The United Nations adopted “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” in September 2015 and effective 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) in 2016. The SDGs has the clear timeline and an inspection mechanism, continually to balance the three dimensions as economic, social and environmental and were the common guildence for sustainable development in 2030 globally. The SDGs are universal, more completed and even better than the goal of 2000. However, the critical step of SDG were to practice and implementation. As a member of global village, Taiwan had published the voluntary national review (VNR) in 2017, and New Taipei City had published the voluntary local review (VLR) in 2019 and was one of the first ten cities whom had published the VLR in the world. These were the facts for revealing our determination of achieving the SDG. This study selected the environmental certification plan of villages in New Taipei City and could be the practice action of sustainable development. This study used Delphi method as the prediction model for investigating the correlation between environmental certification plan of villages in New Taipei City and SDGs. The results of highest correlated indicators of SDG in this study are as following: SDG4-Quality education, SDG6- Clean water and sanitation, SDG9- Industry, innovation and infrastructure, SDG11- Sustainable cities and communities and SDG17- Partnerships for the goals. These indicated the environmental certification plan of villages could cover the three dimensions of economic, social and environmental. Furthermore, we using Analytic Hierarchy Process to check the correlation of environmental certification plan of villages with above SDGs, the ranking as follow: low-carbon and sustainable, environmental promotion, resource recycling, beauty environment and clean alley, and the last one was fresh public toilet. The results of this study coucluded that the environmental certification plan of villages in New Taipei City had a positive effects on sustainable development, and the significance could be the reference for implentation or modification the future certification plan. The environmental certification plan in New Taipei City bring out a new thought for the country and even for individual, to connecting their action with the SDG. The local government could promopt a well plan agenda and led the citizen to practice the sustainable development in local thinking, and transforming into the power for sustainable development.


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