  • 學位論文

探討創意店家創業價值之研究- 以赤峰街、民生社區為例

指導教授 : 許秉瑜


近年來,台灣掀起一股文化創意風潮,無論我們的生活作息、工作環境、社會風氣,甚至延伸到全球,文化創意產業在金融海嘯後被視為「第四波」經濟動力。 而像這樣的文化創意產業的興起,「創意氛圍」、「創意城市」、「文創園區」、「創意市集」、「創意街區」等各種形式的創意聚落,正在在台灣各個城市形成且大量出現,根據2013年統計,其中又以台北市的文創產業廠商的營業額以及文創店家數為全國之冠,顯示文創產業集中在台北市的趨勢。 為此,本研究以方法目的鏈(Means-end chain, MEC)研究方法,從心理學衍生到行銷學的角度,試圖了解不同的創意街區的創業店家選擇該區當下追求的個人價值,與隨之而來的利益與需求功能。 同時藉由本研究能更了解,提供更多新的文創業者欲創業,或是政府未來要另規劃新的創意街區可注意的事項,依據此研究結論給予參考。


In recent, Taiwan set off a wave of cultural and creative, regardless of our lifestyle, work environment, social trends, and even extends to the world, so the cultural and creative industries is regarded as "fourth wave" of economic power after the financial crisis. And this kind of rise cultural and creative industries, "creative atmosphere", "creative city", "cultural and creative park", "creative market", "creative block" and all forms of these creative settlements are being formed and in various cities in Taiwan, according to 2013 statistics, among manufacturers in Taipei cultural and creative industries as well as cultural and creative turnover number is highest in the country, that’s mean the cultural and creative industries concentrated in Taipei trend. Therefore, this research method is derived from the purpose of practiced way (Means-end chain, MEC) and also from psychology to learn marketing point of view, trying to understand the different creative blocks entrepreneurial area stores choose their pursuance of personal values, and with the interests and needs of the function. In parallel by this study we can understand more detail and provide more information for new Cultural and Creative who want to start a business, or government planning to create a creative blocks with new ideas and avoid some matters, according to this finding to give them reference.




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