  • 學位論文


Vegetation Ecology of the Tajen Experimental Forest Station, Taitung County

指導教授 : 楊勝任


達仁林場位於臺灣東南部,面積約 576 ha,本研究目的是補足達仁林場未設置樣區的區域並結合過去樣區資料以了解植物組成、群叢與環境因子的關係和影響藤本植物分布的因子。本研究共設置177個400 m2樣區,並測量13項環境因子。樣區使用雙向指標種分析和降趨對應分析進行群叢分類。並以典型對應分析了解物種組成與環境因子的關係,藉由 Monte Carlo 排列測試萃取顯著的環境因子,解釋群叢和藤本植物與環境因子間的關係。調查結果共記錄維管束植物146科501屬915種,其中包括47種稀有植物。樣區共劃分出 8個群叢:山柚-白榕;樟葉槭-大葉楠;圓果冷水麻-筆筒樹;硃砂根-南仁五月茶;臺灣錐花-假赤楊;浸水營石櫟-長尾尖葉櫧;披針葉蕘花-嶺南青剛櫟;臺灣樹參-華河瓊楠。使用典型對應分析得出解釋群叢分化的能力最高的環境因子為地表裸露,其次為坡向、林分指數、岩石地比例、喬木層覆蓋、坡度和地形凹凸。而解釋藤本植物分布最重要的環境因子為喬木層覆蓋。


The Tajen Experimental Forest Station is ca. 576 ha located in southeastern Taiwan. The purposes of this study were to make up the area that had not been set plots in the past of Tajen Experimental Forest Station and use all plots data in order to understand vegetation composition, the relationships between association and environmental factors, and the factors related to vines distribution. 177 plots of 400 m2 with 13 environmental factors were investigated. Two way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) were used to classify association. Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA), Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) and Monte Carlo permutation test were used to extract the significant environmental factors to explain the relationships between the association and vine with environmental factors. The results showed that 146 families, 501 genus and 915 species of vascular plant including 47 rare species were recorded. The plots were classified into eight associations: Champereio manillanae-Ficetum benjamina Sheng-Zehn Yang et al. 2013, Aceri albopurpurascetis-Machiluetum kusanoi Sheng-Zehn Yang et al. 2013, Pileo rotundinuculae-Cyathetum lepiferae Sheng-Zehn Yang et al. 2013, Ardisio crenatae-Antidesmetum hiiranense Sheng-Zehn Yang et al. 2013, Gomphostemmo callicarpoidis-Alniphylletum pterospermi Sheng-Zehn Yang et al. 2013, Pasanio shinsuiensis-Castanopsis carlesii Sheng-Zehn Yang et al. 2013, Wikstroemio lanceolatae-Cyclobalanopsietum championii Sheng-Zehn Yang et al. 2013, and Dendropano dentigeri-Beilschmiedietum tsangii Sheng-Zehn Yang et al. 2013. The result of CCA presented that the cover of bare is the most important environment factor to explain the association differentiation, followed by aspect, stand index, rock, cover of tree, slope and concave. The cover of tree is the most important environment factor to explain the vines distribution.


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