  • 學位論文


Board game design for seniors

指導教授 : 高惠瓊


由於上世紀,科技醫療的長足進步,臺灣老年人口比例佔總人口數達11﹪, 快速逼近世界衛生組織(World Health Organization, WHO)定義「高齡社會」的14﹪。銀髮族因生理機能逐漸退化,造成不願或害怕離開室內,直接影響其社交生活。創作者透過相關文獻和觀察發現,國內適合銀髮族的休閒遊戲相當匱乏,許多銀髮族長期以看電視和睡覺渡過每一天,肢體在缺乏活動的情況下,更加速老化。這個議題值得大家關注,而創作者感受這需求的急迫性,於是嘗試開發相關遊戲陪伴銀髮族。 在文獻資料中發現,遊戲能帶給老人活力降低衰老程度,腦力訓練的遊戲可 促進大腦血液流動,減緩銀髮族老年癡呆或記憶力衰退的程度。臺灣販售給銀髮 族的遊戲多挑選自兒童的遊戲,對於自尊心較強烈的銀髮族並不適合。因此,創 作者以志工身份進入養老機構,藉由觀察談話,以瞭解銀髮族的需求及喜好,再 進行銀髮族桌上遊戲設計的創作。創作者藉文獻分析和深度訪談的研究途徑,並 結合銀髮族所經歴的政經變遷、生活形式與文化內涵,建立遊戲設計的基礎,在 其遊戲經驗中注入新的元素,再依視覺原理加入社工人員之意見,以大尺寸、鮮 艷色彩作呈現,最後完成「老街富翁」、「思瑪特快抓樂」、「說文接字骨牌戰」、「料理快手」和「數戰速決」等五套桌上遊戲設計,並與養老機構的社工和照護人員進行試玩,藉由其專業的角度同意創作內容並給予建議。 最後透過養老機構老人的實際操作,銀髮長輩愉快地參與和挑戰創作者設計 之遊戲的結果,正符合設計命題的初衷。然而,裸眼使用、字體大小、細節改善 及商品化等問題為日後繼續延伸發展的課題;老人休閒遊戲的議題值得產官學各 領域投入更多研究資源,讓老年生活過得愉快而有尊嚴。


Great medical technology achievements were made in the last century, hence seniors have reached to 11% of total population in Taiwan, nearly 14% as “aging society”defined by World Health Organization, WHO. In aging, with multiple physiological degeneration, seniors become reluctant or fear to go out, affects their social activities directly. By literature review and observation, designer can hardly find recreations suitable for seniors. TV programs and sleep fill up their daily life. Physical degeneration and diseases interfere with mental status, and lacking of physical exercise makes aging even faster. Designer found this issue urgent to be addressed, hence ambitious to design games especially for the seniors. Analysis indicates games bring energy to seniors and slow down aging process, brain-storming game helps to blood circulation, prevent from Alzheimer's and memory loss. In Taiwan, the games sold to the seniors are most derived from children’s, not suitable for the seniors of strong self-esteem. To facilitate the design of seniors’ board game, the designer volunteered in nursing home, to observe and chat with seniors to understand better their requirement and preference. Thorough explore to the seniors’growth backgrounds, political and economic changes, life style and culture difference was done to establish the base, then introduce new elements to their experience. According to vision principle and social workers’ comments, 5 sets of games are designed with large scale, vivid colors and easy carry out, namely “Old Street Millionaire”, “Smart-Quick drawer”, “Domino”, “Fast Chief”, “Number Winner”. Each board games was test-run in nursing house with social workers and caregivers and their recommendations to the designs well received. Afterwards, seniors participated and enjoyed the board games conducted by the designer, which the aim of this design in the first place. However, watching with naked eyes, the size of characters, details improvement and commercialized require further amend. Issue of recreations for the seniors need further concern and more investigation and resources to be put in from all departments, this, to make everyone’s elderly life happier and respectful.


Elderly game Seniors game Board game Game design


