  • 期刊


Investigation on the Bioengineering Treatments of Slope Protection for the No.3 Freeway in Southern Taiwan




The No.3 National Freeway running through the soft rock region has become an important issue in southern Taiwan. Many problems regarding to the stabilization of vegetative slope protection along the freeway were induced by weak geological formation and uneven distribution of rainfall intensity. Slope failures which occurred at soft rock regions along the No.3 freeway in southern Taiwan can seriously damage public facilities and traffic systems of the freeway itself. This study investigates the detrimental characteristics of vegetative slope protection and the sliding sites located by using both global positioning systems (GPS) and geographic information systems (GIS). This GPS/GIS integrated technology can be used to analyze and determine the interactive relationship between the failures of bioengineering structures and surface runoff erosion mechanism. Also, all detrimental factors contributed to surface runoff erosion and instability of slopes along the freeway are extremely critical and important. All results can be used by the highway engineer to make an optimized decision on designing and planning of bioengineering structures along the No.3 freeway running through the soft rock region in southern Taiwan.
