  • 期刊


Taiwanese Immigrants to Yaeyama during the Japanese Colonial Period




Emigration describes the movement of humans who leave their original place of habitation to live or work in other distant lands due to various motives and purposes. Taiwan has been under several regimes, so several ethnic groups from different eras have traveled to Taiwan for business. Among the historical periods that characterize Taiwan, the Japanese period has had the greatest impact as a result of their method of modernizing and ruling the island.Although Japan gained many resources from Taiwan during its colonial tenure, it also implemented many important policies in order to expand land use and strengthen its sovereignty. With the Japanese colonization of Formosa, Taiwan became not only a supply depot of goods and labor, but also a new frontier for settlement to siphon off soaring population pressures in Japan.During Taiwan's colonial period, the administration in Taiwan started to implement an immigration policy to accept Japanese settlers in order to resolve the problems of overpopulation which soared after the Meiji Restoration.In reviewing the history of exchange between Taiwan and Japan we find in this period very dynamic levels of interaction covering intellectual and scholastic exchanges and commercial and business activities.Yet, studies in this period are limited on the emigration of Taiwanese to Yaeyama -an island located between Taiwan and Okinawa just 240 kilometers off the Taiwan coast. Conservative estimates have it that about 400 Taiwanese, covering 86 families, immigrated to the isle of Yaeyama. Many Taiwanese settlers left the island due to extremely hot weather, typhoons, vipers, malaria, futile agricultural plans, and other factors. However, most Taiwanese immigrants clung on to the end and eventually the intrepid spirit of these settlers triumphed over all difficulties.This study probes this endeavor, the special laws issued by the administration in Taiwan, the immigration process to Yaeyama, the development of Yaeyama, the lifestyles and interaction of Taiwanese with local habitants, and the manner in which Taiwanese immigration influenced and promoted the industrial progress of Yaeyama.


臺灣拓殖株式會社調查課編印,《本島人の南洋移民事情》,昭和15 年6 月,(國立中央圖書館臺灣分館藏)。
外務省通商局監理課,《福建省事情》,大正5 年6 月印製。
