  • 期刊

Home Health Care Needs Survey of Rehabilitation Inpatients after Discharge



居家健康照顧(Home Health Care)是重要的醫療制度,在歐美各地,已有相當完整之體系,且有復健專業人員之參與,同時,也有許多的研究報告結果顯示物理治療師、職能治療師及語言治療師等都擔任非常重要的角色,不但發揮了專業之功能,更展現了復健居家照顧之實質效益。目前臺灣雖已有醫院開始提供居家照顧的服務,但尚未將復健之項目列入,也還沒有復健從業人員的參與。本研究之目的為探討國內復健病患居家照顧之情形和需求,同時提出復健居家照顧之方案,供給決策單位參考,以提升醫療品質。主要是以民國八十年一年間曾經住過復健病房之患者為研究對象,經由問卷郵寄及家訪兩種方式,將所得之資料經統計分析結果得知:疾病種類方面,以腦部疾患居多,其次依序為骨骼肌肉及結締組織患者、脊髓患者、骨折和截肢等患者,患者以男性居多,年齡50歲以上佔51.1%。大部分患者與家人同住,居住環境一般尚稱良好。至於體能狀況:在安全性平衡能力方面(單腳站立15秒鐘)、工作能力方面(操作較重事務,如拖地;操作繁重事物,如作木工)、室外活動能力方面(上下車、出外購物)大部分患者無法自己獨立完成。需抽痰或有褥瘡之患者很少;但高達67.1%的患者需使用輔助器具,且以使用輪椅者最多。 患者面對最多的問題是“行動不便”最大的希望是“能重獲照顧自己的能力”至於休閒活動方面以靜態且不具挑戰性、創造性者為取向。主要之經濟來源、照顧者及在家中施行居家治療者皆以“家人”為主。由此可見,在中國社會中,“家”仍是生活中最大的支柱,最終的依靠。 關於復健居家照顧方面,復健治療之項目以“行走訓練”需求最高,與復健專業人員之需求,以“物理治療師”最多,相當吻合。且近百分之百的回函者,皆贊成政府推廣復健居家照顧。有鑑於此,作者參照國外居家健康照顧制度,擬定我國復健居家照顧之組織及運作方式。期盼在與社區醫療相結合,及人員妥善的規劃下,能建立良好之復健居家照顧制度,給全民帶來最大的福音。


復健 居家照顧


The purposes of this survey were to investigate the conditions and needs of the rehabilitation patients within one year after being discharged from hospitals and to submit recommendations for a home rehabilitation care system to improve the quality of rehabilitation medical care. The surveyed subjects were all cases admitted to the rehabilitation wards of 22 hospitals in Taiwan in 1991. The questionnaire was given by mailing and/or home visit. The main results show that the most common disease of the surveyed patients was brain lesion, 67.1% required assistive aids with the wheelchair the most needed. The number of patients unable to perform each of the specific functional activities of daily living range from 15.2% to 81.2%. Most patients lived with family members who were the main sources of economic support and also the ones who provided daily living care and home treatment. ”Ambulation training” was the most needed treatment item and ”physical therapists” were the most required professionals. Most respondents hoped that the government would establish a home rehabilitation care plan, 52.8% would be willing to pay for professional rehabilitation home care not covered by medical insurance. The author also proposes a model home rehabilitation care system for Taiwan.


Rehabilitation Home health care


