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The Comparison of Three-Dimention Dynamic Lumbar Motion Betweem Young and Aged Healthy Groups-A Preliminary Report


臨床上腰椎活動度之評估是相當重要的,臨床的評估方式傳統上為一度空間之活動度測量,無法測出腰椎動態活動三度空間中相互影響之相關性或特異性。所以本研究採可同時測得三度空間之脊椎活動度與活動速度之腰椎活動測量儀(Lumbar Motion Monitor)為測量工具,欲研究探討年輕組與年老組健康無下背痛國人之動態三度空間之腰椎活動度,動作包括前彎、後仰、左右側彎及左右旋轉。本研究依年齡分為年輕組與老年組:20-50歲為年輕組,有19人;大於50歲為年老組,有17人。所得之結果如下:l).年齡與體型對腰椎之活動度有明顯之影響。在單一平面角度之最大值方面,年老組之角度小遊年輕組;身高較高之受試者腰椎後抑之角度較大;而體重較重之受試者其腰椎前彎之角度較大。2).性別與有無運動習慣對腰椎活動度與明顯影響。3).在三度空間活動關係上,年老組與年輕組間之差異則沒有統計上之明顯差異,但可看出年輕組在單一平面動作時空間中其他兩方向之偏離值較大。由本研究推論在無下背痛受試者之腰椎活動狀況年老組與年輕組之差異,重點在單一平面活動度中角度之減少,但三度空間中活動型態之改變則較不明顯。


腰椎 活動度


Patients with low back pain are usually accompanied with the changes of the biomechanic° @ behavior of the back. Patients are not able to move their bodies easily, and they usually exhibit limitation in the degree and the velocity of back movement. Previous study did not assess the three-dimentional lumbar motion of the subjects with different ages. The three-dimentional lumbar motion was measured using Lumbar Motion Monitor (LMM) system in this study. The purposes of this study were to establish the normal data base and compare three-dimentional lumbar motion between young and aged healthy groups. Subjects aged 20 to 50 years, 19 subjects, were included in young group; and aged>50 years, 17 subjects, were in old group. First, all these subjects preformed 10 repititions of lumbar motion in three directions, flexion/extension, rotation and side bending, as the warm up exercise. Then applied the Exoskeleton Unit of the Lumbar Motion Monitor on the back properly. These subjects performed the movement with the range and speed as much as possible. The amplitude of movements in each direction were recorded by the computer. Three-dimensional movement were recorded at the same time, for example, in the movement of sagittal plane, LMM also records the associated movement occurring in transverse plane and frontal plane. Stepwise multiple regression was used to examine the influence of sex, age, body weight, body height and habit of exercise on the lumbar motion. The unpaired-t test was used to compare the difference of body weight, body height and lumbar flexibility between the young and aged groups. The results revealed that age, body weight and body height were the factors influencing the lumbar motion significantly (p<0.05). There were no significant differences in the body weight and body height between young and old groups. A significant decrease (p<0.05) in maximal lumbar range of motion of rotation and side bending in old group was found. No significant change in the relationship between one plane movement and association movements occurred in other two planes. However the associated movements were larger in the young group than that in the elderly. In further research, the charcteristis of the lumbar motion in low back pain patients will be investigated.


Lumbar spine Range of motion
